Home US What’s next for New York as Mayor Adams faces accusations and calls for his resignation?

What’s next for New York as Mayor Adams faces accusations and calls for his resignation?

When the charges are made public, Adams, who was sworn in in early 2022, will become the first New York City mayor to be criminally charged while still in office.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been hit with a barrage of calls to resign on the heels of news of his indictment by a grand jury on federal criminal charges.

If Adams were to step aside following the indictment, he would initially be replaced by Public Defender Jumaane Williams. Progressive Democrat. The next mayoral elections will not be held until June of next year.

Williams He has been a public defender since 2019 and will assume the role of interim mayor.

When the charges are made public, Adams, who was sworn in in early 2022, will become the first New York City mayor to be criminally charged while still in office.

Adams was initially to be replaced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, a progressive Democrat.

Adams was initially to be replaced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, a progressive Democrat.

Responsibility for setting a date for a special election to decide Adams’ successor would fall to Williams, and he would have to do so within three days of taking office.

Williams has long been a harsh critic of Adams, questioning his ability to govern amid the current whirlwind of federal investigations.

“I don’t know how we can continue to govern with more and more arrests for corruption, more and more suspicions of corruption,” he said.

He has attacked the mayor’s police strategy, which he considers aggressive.

After Williams, the third candidate would be fellow Democrat and city comptroller Brad Lander (pictured). Lander had been Adams' rival and planned to run for mayor next year.

After Williams, the third candidate would be fellow Democrat and city comptroller Brad Lander (pictured). Lander had been Adams’ rival and planned to run for mayor next year.

Williams has also pushed to end solitary confinement in city jails.

After Williams, third in line would be fellow Democrat and city Comptroller Brad Lander.

Lander had been Adams’ rival and was planning to run for mayor next year.

A special election would only be necessary if it were 90 days before the scheduled primary election date of June 24, 2025, making March 26, 2025, the latest possible date.

Williams would also have to declare a date for the special election to be held at least 80 days after any inauguration, according to city charter.

Unlike a regular mayoral election, a special election would have no party affiliation and would be strictly nonpartisan, with candidates appearing simply as a list of names.

Voters would then rank their candidate preferences in a new “ranked-choice voting system.”

Adams has insisted he will remain in power, noting that 700,000 people voted for him in the 2021 election.

“I was elected by the people of the city and I will fulfill my obligation to the people of this city,” he said.

If Adams refuses to step down, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, pictured, could use extraordinary powers to remove him from office before his term ends.

If Adams refuses to step down, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, pictured, could use extraordinary powers to remove him from office before his term ends.

If Adams refuses to step down, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul could use extraordinary powers to remove him from office before his term ends.

The indictment marks a stunning downfall for Adams, a former police captain who won election nearly three years ago to become the second black mayor of the nation’s largest city on a platform promising a law-and-order approach to reducing crime.

The indictment detailing the charges against Adams, a Democrat, was still under seal as of late Wednesday night.

“I always knew that if I stood up for myself to New Yorkers, I would be a target, and that’s what I became,” Adams said in a statement that implied he had not been informed of the allegation.

“If I am accused, I am innocent and I will fight against this with all my strength and spirit.”

It was not immediately clear when the charges would be made public or when Adams would be required to appear in court.

Adams' top aide, Phil Banks

First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright

Earlier this month, officers raided the homes of First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright and Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks in a series of raids that remain under wraps for now.

Wednesday night’s development came days after some of the mayor’s top allies were targeted in raids by federal authorities.

Earlier this month, officers raided the homes of First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright and Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks in a series of raids that remain under wraps for now.

Both reportedly had their electronic devices taken away, as Adams did in November when his phone was seized after a raid at the home of his campaign treasurer, Brianna Suggs.

The feds said the operation was part of an investigation into the mayor’s campaign finances, after which the former fundraising chief for Adams’ 2021 mayoral bid found herself working on a job focused on filing paperwork.

Former New York State Representative and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer called for Adams to resign Wednesday night.

“Eric Adams is indicted. There is no chance for the government to move full steam ahead. What we are left with is a city government that is in shambles and in ruins,” Stringer said.

“The mayor must resign for the good of the city. His legal fight is not our fight. While the mayor focuses on proving his innocence, the rest of us should focus on the business of the city: building affordable housing, educating our children and keeping this city safe.”

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