Home Australia War of words breaks out between LNP Senator Gerard Rennick and Chris Bowen: Read the shocking letter sent to him by the climate change minister

War of words breaks out between LNP Senator Gerard Rennick and Chris Bowen: Read the shocking letter sent to him by the climate change minister

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The letter sent by Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen to Senator Gerard Rennick as part of an exchange of insults that has broken out between the two

A fierce exchange of insults has broken out between LNP Senator Gerard Rennick and Australia’s climate change and energy minister Chris Bowen, with Rennick claiming Bowen’s descriptions of him as a “conspiracy theorist” and a “cook” are “insults”.

The row began when Mr Bowen took the opportunity to lash out at Senator Rennick while answering media questions at the National Press Club in Canberra last Wednesday.

Mr Bowen said he and other climate change advocates were frequently accused of perpetuating a “hoax”, and singled out Senator Rennick’s social media in this regard.

‘Senator Rennick Twitter “The feed is a cacophony of conspiracy theories and attacks on the motives of people, including our intelligence agencies, our health bureaucrats, our climate bureaucrats and the Bureau of Meteorology,” Bowen said.

“And that’s not right, somebody has to say it, I’m saying it, I appreciate Mr Dutton saying it.

‘It is not right to question the patriotism or the effectiveness of our intelligence agencies.

“He’s saying that Covid was a conspiracy by our intelligence agencies. A sitting senator from the alternative government, really?”

Senator Rennick responded on Friday with a letter addressed to Mr. Bowen.

The letter sent by Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen to Senator Gerard Rennick as part of an exchange of insults that has broken out between the two

“In your speech, you argue that it is not okay to question the effectiveness or motives of our government agencies,” Rennick wrote.

‘Are you suggesting that government agencies not be scrutinized?’

Senator Rennick argued that it was his “duty to scrutinize the performance of all government agencies.”

“If you wish to debate why my posts are conspiracy theories, then please designate a time and place to debate your allegations with me,” she wrote.

In response on Tuesday, Mr Bowen reaffirmed his claim that Senator Rennick’s X feed was a “cacophony of conspiracy theories”.

“Debate is fine. Spreading debunked conspiracy theories is not,” Bowen said.

‘Your attack on the motives and professionalism of agencies such as the Bureau of Meteorology, the Therapeutic Goods Administration and Australia’s intelligence agencies (which you claim may have been involved in the Covid outbreak) is unconscionable.

‘Government agencies should be scrutinized, but not by inventors and conspiracy theorists who spread disinformation for their own selfish political purposes.

“Peter Dutton has endorsed his behaviour. I will not endorse him. Nor will I give him an even bigger platform to spread his dangerous conspiracy theories.”

Mr. Bowen accused Senator Rennick of harboring a

Mr Bowen accused Senator Rennick of hosting a “cacophony of conspiracy theories” on social media.

In a post on X, Senator Rennick accused Mr Bowen of lacking the “courage” to debate his claims.

“This is typical cowardly behavior who can talk a lot behind someone’s back but not to their face,” Sen. Rennick wrote.

‘Once again, he fails to back up his claims with concrete facts. This is the typical behaviour of a dwarf intellectual who loves to cast aspersions but is incapable of arguing a point rationally.

‘These insults against his fellow Australians indicate an arrogance and disrespect on the part of Chris Bowen to which we have become accustomed.’

Former Queensland LNP Premier and now Libertarian candidate Campbell Newman has come out in support of Senator Rennick.

“The idea that you don’t have the courage to debate him @bowenchris is the most objectionable part of your letter,” Newman wrote in X.

(Insults and personal denigration are normal.)

UK Senator Gerard Rennick (pictured with his wife Lauren) has accused Bowen of being cowardly for not debating him.

UK Senator Gerard Rennick (pictured with his wife Lauren) has accused Bowen of being cowardly for not debating him.

“What they are doing to this country’s energy supply is dangerous and reckless, and their failure to engage with Rennick or any other critics is what is unconscionable.”

Senator Rennick also received the endorsement of former NBA basketball star Andrew Bogut

“Wow, a politician representing the people calls people ‘cook’!” Bogut tweeted.

“Our politicians are some of the worst in the world.”

Mr Bowen and Senator Rennick have been contacted for comment.

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