Home Tech The Y-Brush DuoBrush comes with two options for quick teeth cleaning

The Y-Brush DuoBrush comes with two options for quick teeth cleaning

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Electric toothbrush with curved attachment and standard brush head to side sitting on green sink counter

I have been for a long time Skeptical of alternative toothbrushes, those mouthguard-like trays filled with nylon bristles that claim to brush your teeth in just 10 to 30 seconds. I have found that they are fine for days when I am too tired for a full brushing, but they don’t clean my teeth enough. I never felt like I could get up close to someone’s face and chat afterwards. But DuoBrush from Y-Brush also It comes with a regular sonic brush head. They both fit on the same brush handle.

U-shaped brushes do not replace normal brushing. The tongue still needs to be cleaned daily, which these cannot do, and they are likely missing some buildup and plaque. But for people with mobility problems, or in nursing homes or for young children, they can be useful tools. despite looking Timmy the tooth As echoed in my youth, some days even I struggle. That’s when I liked to achieve this.

Tooth to Tooth

The brand recommends using its Y-Brush for 10 to 20 seconds per jaw. I opted for 20 and sometimes even more. In addition to the vibrations caused by the handle of the brush, it is advisable to chew it gently and move it slowly from one side to the other (this is recommended with all these types of brushes). This brings back the back teeth and offers a little more movement for the bristles to really work; According to the company, there are 35,000 bristles arranged in the tray. Taking it out and turning it over to get the rest of the teeth out can be a little messy and slimy, but do it over the sink and you’ll be fine.

While the brand claims that the Y-Brush leaves your teeth as clean in one minute as a regular brush does in two, I think having both the Y-brush and the sonic brush are important. It reminds you that you need to have a complete dental routine, even if once a day you take the easier route. I brushed my teeth and tongue with the regular head in the morning or before going somewhere, and used the U-shaped head at night. My teeth felt cleaner, but not as clean as normally.

Photography: Medea Giordano

If I only I used the U-shaped brush, my teeth didn’t fall out of my head, but I don’t think they would shine or that my mouth would feel fresh and minty. Still, I could go to bed at night without feeling completely grossed out.

It comes in only one size, although the tray head is made to fit most adult mouths. Each of these alternative brushes I’ve tried fit my upper teeth comfortably, but I have pain in the back of my lower jaw where the edges push against my back gums. Fortunately, you don’t need to use it for a long time. The sonic brush head is standard and feels like any affordable brush I’ve tried. I like the options available from Sonicare better, as they’re a little denser without being harsh, but the DuoBrush is on par with many others in the category.

The company recommends a toothpaste that foams well, but whatever you like best works. I used it with Crest and Sensodyne and found they both worked, but you end up using a little more than with a normal brush head. Be sure to clean the tray thoroughly after each use, so saliva and toothpaste don’t get stuck in all those bristles. That would be an unpleasant surprise the next time you try to clean your teeth.


If you’re curious about these types of alternative toothbrushes, DuoBrush may be worth a try. At $80, it’s not a bad price for two types of brushes. WIRED writer and critic Brenda Stolyar likes simple brush. It has more bristles: each group of bristles is basically a normal toothbrush, plus they are arranged on the three sides of the tray. However, that one costs $129 and you still need another toothbrush. The heads also need to be replaced, as with any electric toothbrush.

Y-Brush recommends changing heads every four months, which is another $40. That’s a little pricey even with two brush heads included.

Mobility difficulties, depression, and exhaustion are just a few of the reasons why your dental care may be affected. If you’re a parent, chances are you’ve had more than a few moments when a frustrated or screaming child simply refused to brush. You could care for elderly relatives who have difficulty brushing their teeth. If you think a U-shaped brush might work for you, the Y-shaped brush is an affordable option to try.

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