Home US The menu for the wedding that put 80 guests in hospital and left more than 100 people vomiting is revealed: as one attendee says, men and women were given different food, but they all ended up sick.

The menu for the wedding that put 80 guests in hospital and left more than 100 people vomiting is revealed: as one attendee says, men and women were given different food, but they all ended up sick.

A sick wedding guest receives assistance from another guest at the ceremony in Cuernavaca, Mexico, on Saturday after more than 100 people became ill from eating food served by a caterer.

A guest at a wedding reception revealed four-course menus that left more than 100 guests terribly ill and 80 people had to be hospitalised.

Aranza Rodríguez attended the ceremony Saturday night in the central city of Cuernavaca, Mexico, and was rushed to a Red Cross hospital where she was treated for a bacterial infection.

Rodríguez told Mexican newspaper Proceso that she was a guest of the groom, Fernando, whose wedding party began around 4 p.m. and dinner was served at 6 p.m.

He recalled arriving at the wedding venue between 8pm and 9pm and noticing that many of the guests were experiencing “aggravated symptoms” including headaches, stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

Despite the disturbing scene, Rodríguez placed his food order and had dinner around 10 p.m. when the ambulances began to arrive.

A sick wedding guest receives assistance from another guest at the ceremony in Cuernavaca, Mexico, on Saturday after more than 100 people became ill from eating food served by a caterer.

A total of 80 wedding guests were rushed to area hospitals in the central Mexican city of Cuernavaca following Saturday's wedding in which more than 100 people fell ill after eating food provided by a food supplier. contracted catering.

A total of 80 wedding guests were rushed to area hospitals in the central Mexican city of Cuernavaca following Saturday’s wedding in which more than 100 people fell ill after eating food provided by a food supplier. contracted catering.

A man covers his head with a napkin after becoming sick Saturday at a wedding in Mexico from contaminated food.

A man covers his head with a napkin after becoming sick Saturday at a wedding in Mexico from contaminated food.

Rodríguez recalled that he was served mushrooms with goat cheese and tomato coulis as an appetizer.

As a main course, he was served chicken breast stuffed with spinach, tarragon and sweet potato puree, as well as winter asparagus. She said the male guests were served a different selection of food, including meat with whiskey sauce as the main course.

While she’s not sure which of the foods made her sick, she remembers that the wild mushrooms had an aftertaste of “a very strong chemical.” She remembers the same smell after she got sick.

Footage on social media showed the frantic moment as paramedics, staff and healthy attendants provided assistance to sick guests.

In one video, at least two women were hunched over in a chair, as if they had vomited.

Another video showed several guests lying in hospital beds and receiving intravenous treatment.

The sick wedding guests received intravenous treatment and medications at hospitals and were discharged four to five hours after admission.

The sick wedding guests received intravenous treatment and medications at hospitals and were discharged four to five hours after admission.

The wedding menu shared by Aranza Rodríguez showed that the appetizer featured mushrooms with goat cheese and tomato coulis, as well as beet carpaccio with mango, pico de gallo, among other dishes.

The wedding menu shared by Aranza Rodríguez showed that the appetizer featured mushrooms with goat cheese and tomato coulis, as well as beet carpaccio with mango, pico de gallo, among other dishes.

At least 80 wedding guests were rushed to area hospitals in the central Mexican city of Cuernavaca after falling ill from the food.

At least 80 wedding guests were rushed to area hospitals in the central Mexican city of Cuernavaca after falling ill from the food.

A woman was seen lying in a hospital bed after falling ill from attending the wedding.

A woman was seen lying in a hospital bed after falling ill from attending the wedding.

An image of the menu revealed that guests were served an appetizer of wild mushrooms with goat cheese and tomato coulis, as well as beet carpaccio with mango and pico de gallo.

The main course included sun-dried tomato cream and crispy goat cheese with chives and pistachio and pear dry cream. The main course option was chicken breast stuffed with spinach, tarragon, sweet potato puree and winter asparagus.

The second option was a breaded beef fillet with whiskey and almond sauce, vegetable skewer and a bed of potatoes.

For dessert, the bride and groom’s friends served apple rosette with lime supreme, flower ice cream, chocolate and walnut cheesecake, melon or milk flower camisole.

While it appeared that men and women were served different foods, both genders became ill, she said.

A viral TikTok video showed a paramedic standing next to a wedding guest who was hunched over a chair while one person desperately used folded paper as a fan to help him cool down.

Another woman who looked visibly ill sat nearby while a man comforted her.

Concerned guests could also be seen wandering around the entrance area checking on some of the other sick guests.

Others stood next to an ambulance as a paramedic spoke to a man who was trying to get into the vehicle.

A wedding guest is visibly ill after being among 100 people who fell ill after eating food at a wedding party in the central Mexican municipality of Cuernavaca on Saturday.

A wedding guest is visibly ill after being among 100 people who fell ill after eating food at a wedding party in the central Mexican municipality of Cuernavaca on Saturday.

Paramedics treat wedding guests who suffered from food poisoning

Paramedics treat wedding guests who suffered from food poisoning

Rodríguez said she had to be taken and did not know how she got to one of the several hospitals, where 80 people were treated and released in four or five hours.

He was prescribed intravenous fluid and medication to treat the bacterial infection.

He added that Fernando and the bride, Paola, have provided assistance to sick guests.

Grupo Paraíso, which was hired to cater the wedding, did not respond to a request for comment from DailyMail.com.

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