Home Australia Sunshine Fitness gym trainer reports mysterious coward

Sunshine Fitness gym trainer reports mysterious coward

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Amateur bodybuilder and gym trainer Michael Croser (pictured) has criticised a member of his gym after he defecated in a shared shower and failed to clean it up.

A bodybuilder has criticised a fellow gym member for defecating in the shared shower, prompting a hunt for the “mystery pooper” responsible.

Micheal Croser learned of the disgusting discovery after arriving for a training session at Sunshine Fitness in Melbourne’s west on Monday morning.

“What I’m about to show you is one of the lowest forms of disrespect towards other gym members and towards the public eye,” he said in a video posted on social networks.

‘Now here I am, in the men’s bathrooms at Sunshine Fitness, where I work and where we enjoy coming to train.

‘We had to put a sign outside the shower because some dirty bastard took a shit in the fucking shower, and there’s a bathroom right there.

‘At no time is this acceptable at this gym, so if you’re going to start doing this, maybe you should find another gym, because if we catch you, you’re out.’

Croser said the problem reflected a decline in the level of etiquette at gyms across the country.

Amateur bodybuilder and gym trainer Michael Croser (pictured) has criticised a member of his gym after he defecated in a shared shower and failed to clean it up.

“You pick up a weight and put it back. If you’re going to sweat, you bring a towel and wipe the machine down,” Croser explains.

‘If you have to go to the bathroom, you use the bathroom.

“It’s common sense, really, but there are a lot of new people these days who just haven’t been taught proper gym etiquette.”

He added that when he went to ask young gym-goers to lend him their equipment, they often made fun of him.

Many of his fellow gym members agreed that standards had dropped and reported the mysterious shitter.

“Bro, I stumbled upon this and had to skip my shower today. I almost threw up when I walked in and found it,” one said.

A second added: “This is disgusting behaviour. We had a member who did the same thing every time he used the shower.”

A third said: “Unfortunately, things like this happen all too often and not just in gyms.”

“We’ve seen people throw up in the sink and leave it there, stomp in the shower, leave ‘toys’ on the walls and benches, condoms in the shower, etc. I’ve seen this in every gym I’ve worked at,” added another.

‘Some people are just pigs, imagine what their houses are like.’

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