Home Australia Police across the US receive a new UFO manual, warning that the craft “pose significant security risks”

Police across the US receive a new UFO manual, warning that the craft “pose significant security risks”

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A Las Vegas police officer appeared to capture a UFO on his body camera

Police chiefs in America’s largest cities have released the first-ever guide on UAP, detailing chilling encounters and how officers can report such incidents.

The 11-page document warned that unidentified flying objects “pose significant safety risks to law enforcement air support units,” urging teams to be vigilant when in helicopters.

The report also highlights stories of officers who claimed to have encountered UFOs, specifically one in 2023 where a law enforcement employee saw a “triangular craft with green lights gliding across the sky” before a local resident said something “ran” nearby.

Police executives created the benchmark because “it is in the interest of law enforcement to be aware of trends and reports regarding UAPs due to the unknown threat they may pose.”

A Las Vegas police officer appeared to capture a UFO on his body camera

The organization, called the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), includes nearly 80 executives from major U.S. cities who work together to promote public safety through a variety of initiatives, including community outreach, research and policy development, and now, UFO investigations.

The guide, published in June, also includes details of US investigations into UFO meetings, as well as testimony from ‘whistleblowers’ such as former US Air Force officer and intelligence official David Grusch.

An article shared the US Congressional hearing on UAPs held in 2023, where Grusch testified about his knowledge of aircraft with “non-human” origins.

The report provided other articles about the US government and its possible links to extraterrestrial life.

One section includes links to several UAP reporting websites, urging officers to report any strange sightings.

Even more interestingly, the pages detail first-person accounts from police officers who encountered unknown spacecraft while out in the field.

An officer on patrol Blairsville, Georgia, in November 2023 claimed to have witnessed green lights in the sky.

“I am a police officer and a deputy sheriff. While on duty after dark, near the top of my windshield (vision frame) I observed movement in the sky (southern direction of vision),” the officer’s report stated.

‘Focusing my attention and looking through the dim light, I could make out a triangular craft, with three dim green lights on each side (bright enough to assess size, shape and movement).’

The officer said he quickly lost sight of the craft due to the trees and could not hear anything because he was inside his vehicle.

The report described UAPs as a potential danger to police pilots (Major Cities Chiefs Association)

The report described UAPs as a potential danger to police pilots (Major Cities Chiefs Association)

The report cites the testimony of

The report cites testimony from “whistleblowers” such as former United States Air Force (USAF) officer and intelligence official David Grusch.

“I have some knowledge of what helicopters and airplanes look like in the sky, as I frequently work alongside medical flight crews in the area and know where the nearby airports are, which has given me some familiarity with the common areas of the sky where low-level air traffic is common. This was unlike anything I had ever witnessed before,” he said.

An hour after the sighting, the officer responded to a call from a homeowner in the same direction the object was traveling, reporting “something running outside his house… that did not sound like an animal.”

In 2020, another encounter occurred in Harper Woods, Michigan, where two officers witnessed three mysterious objects in the sky, before they disappeared.

The officer wrote: ‘At approximately 6:00 am, a coworker and I were standing in a church parking lot talking before the end of our shift.

‘I was looking southwest at the moon when I looked southeast. I saw three objects in the southeast sky and pointed toward them.

The guide details police encounters with UFOs.

The guide details police encounters with UFOs.

“The objects appeared to be moving eastward, maintaining the same distance. As we watched them, they seemed to ‘blink’ out of sight.”

Other reports in the guide recount civilian sightings of police helicopters supposedly chasing UFOs.

In one encounter in Austin, Texas, one civilian wrote: ‘As I walked out the front door, I saw Triangle Craft, with white lights illuminated at each corner, closely followed by a police helicopter traveling southbound near Highway 620.

“I thought I was seeing things, but I checked again and I wasn’t. I hope others can corroborate this.”

Another incident occurred in Winnipeg, Canada, where a civilian reported seeing a police helicopter being chased by an unknown craft.

“While sitting in my hot tub in the backyard, I heard the familiar sound of the police helicopter passing over the city. After passing over our home, it made a few circles south of our location and after some course adjustments, headed north at a higher speed,” the statement read.

‘About 10 seconds later, two lights with the same relative brightness as the background stars traveled parallel and at a constant speed.’

Nigel Watson, author of ‘Captured by Aliens? A History and Analysis of American Abduction Claims’, told DailyMail.com the guide is ‘very useful’ for law enforcement officers.

“The brief history of UAP research and links to organizations where sightings can be reported are very helpful,” he said.

‘For me, the references to former government whistleblowers David Grusch and Luis Elizondo are superfluous as they have only repeated rumors that have circulated for years without any substantial evidence.

‘While it mentions numerous official studies, it fails to mention the fact that the US Project Bluebook was shut down because such research was found to have no scientific value. Other projects have also found it very difficult to uncover real evidence of alien craft.

‘The guide also lacks references to skeptical websites and blogs that would offer a more balanced view of the topic and counter the more far-fetched stories, such as the alleged Roswell crash in 1947.

‘Certainly, there is an argument to be made today that ground-based UAPs pose a threat to aviation safety and national security, but, as with this guide, this is mixed with science fiction rumours about remarkable non-terrestrial vehicles that have little credibility.’

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