Home Australia My gym hadn’t cleaned their showers in three weeks, so I complained. You won’t believe the manager’s response.

My gym hadn’t cleaned their showers in three weeks, so I complained. You won’t believe the manager’s response.

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One mother complained when she realized her gym hadn't cleaned the showers in three weeks.

A mum was disgusted when she discovered clumps of hair and plasters lying on the shower floor of her local gym – but the “disgusting” finds opened her eyes to a bigger problem.

The 31-year-old American passed up the view because she thought the trash was a one-time thing, but realized her gym hadn’t been cleaning its showers when the trash remained on the floor for the next three weeks.

“I documented it, contacted them on Facebook and got no response,” he shared on Reddit.

“A week later I messaged again because it was still there and there was no response, until I left a two-star review on Google.”

The gym’s corporate team then sent the mother a “rude” email suggesting it was time for her to leave the gym if she was “dissatisfied” with the facilities.

One mother complained when she realized her gym hadn’t cleaned the showers in three weeks.

“(The gym branch) continues to be a work in progress since we purchased the facility a little over a year ago and we have upgraded a lot of equipment,” the email said.

‘In addition, we are currently in a management transition. We have addressed the issues you brought to our attention. Please understand that if you remain dissatisfied with the facilities, it (the gym chain) may no longer be a good option for you.’

The woman claimed that the gym management acted in an “unprofessional” manner.

“I would understand if I got upset over something harmless, but the lack of basic sanitation seemed worth complaining about,” he said.

“Why own a business if you’re not willing to do the bare minimum (and keep it clean)?”

Can I get an infection if I shower at the gym?

Gyms are a breeding ground for deadly bacteria, which thrive in humid environments, with so many people drenched in sweat in close quarters.

These bacteria can cause warts, rashes, and infections that can reach the bones.

Taking simple precautionary measures, such as wearing shoes in the shower and cleaning exercise equipment, can go a long way in protecting your body from harmful viruses and infections, such as MRSA and ringworm.

Showering in an unsanitary gym can also cause warts.

Warts that appear on the sole of the foot are called plantar warts, while those on the hands are called Palmer warts. They are growths caused by infections on the top layer of the skin.

Plantar and Palmer warts are caused by a strain of human papillomavirus, the most common STD.

Gyms are a breeding ground for deadly bacteria

Gyms are a breeding ground for deadly bacteria

Many were horrified but not surprised by the gym’s behavior.

‘Just clean the showers!’ one said. ‘That should be done several times during the day in any gym. There’s really no excuse not to clean in a gym.’

Another added: “That gym sounds like a germ fest.” If they don’t clean the showers, they probably don’t clean the equipment properly, if at all.’

‘Maybe you want to join another gym. Or wait to take a shower at home, yuck! “His response was inappropriate for a legitimate complaint,” one man said.

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