Home Australia Maths teacher Rebecca Joynes, 30, accused of having sex with one pupil before becoming pregnant by another denies having a ‘powerful sexual attraction’ to 15-year-old boys

Maths teacher Rebecca Joynes, 30, accused of having sex with one pupil before becoming pregnant by another denies having a ‘powerful sexual attraction’ to 15-year-old boys

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Maths teacher Rebecca Joynes broke down in tears as she revealed her baby was taken from her within 24 hours of her birth.

A mathematics teacher accused of having sexual relations with one student before becoming pregnant with a second denied today having a “powerful sexual attraction” to 15-year-old boys.

Rebecca Joynes admitted she had “enjoyed the attention” the couple gave her after feeling “lonely” following the breakdown of a long-term relationship, a court heard today.

But she denied she had any sexual activity with the first boy and insisted she only slept with the second after he turned 16 and she was fired.

Giving evidence, the 30-year-old, who came to court every day of her trial with a pink knitted baby hat tucked into her pants, broke down in tears as she revealed her daughter was taken from her within 24 hours. after his birth. .

He denied bringing the hat to gain the “sympathy” of the jury and insisted he had not chosen to remain in the witness box to ensure they could see it during his evidence today.

Maths teacher Rebecca Joynes broke down in tears as she revealed her baby was taken from her within 24 hours of her birth.

Beginning his cross-examination, prosecutor Joe Allman asked: “Did you have a powerful sexual attraction to boys around the age of 15?”

“No, definitely not,” she replied.

Joynes admits she arranged a meeting with the first student, known as Boy A, after he correctly guessed her mobile phone number during a Monday morning maths lesson in October 2021.

She agrees to buy him a £345 Gucci belt at the Trafford Center and then take him back to her flat in Salford Quays, but denies his claim that they had sex.

After rumors spread that they had spent the night together, she was arrested and suspended from her job, Manchester Crown Court heard.

After questioning, he was released on bail on the condition that he not have unsupervised contact with minors under 18 years of age.

Joynes admits to becoming pregnant after beginning a relationship with the second student, known as Boy B, after he contacted her to ask how she was doing.

But today she denied she had any sexual contact until Boy B turned 16 and she was fired from her job.

Today Joynes admitted she should never have exchanged messages with Boy A, saying it came after boys in her class told her she was “so sexy” and nicknamed her “Bunda Becky”, a slang reference to her butt.

Through tears, she said: “I should never have taken him to the Trafford Center and definitely not let him into my flat.”

‘I let my guard down. I gave in to the attention he was giving me.

Joynes told jurors she “struggled enormously” during the Covid pandemic, which came after a nine-year relationship ended.

“I was lonely and I liked the attention,” she said. “I have to admit that.”

Joynes agreed that she and Boy A discussed their sexual history, but she insisted that he sleep on the couch when he spent the night at her apartment.

The following Monday at school, he said he noticed that Boy A wasn’t in his math lesson and asked Boy B where he was.

She said Boy B told her that Boy A had been “pulled out” of the lesson, and she “panicked” as she assumed it had to do with her seeing him outside school.

Joynes said he pulled Boy B out of the classroom and asked him, ‘What do I do?’

She said he advised her to delete messages between her and Boy A from her phone, but she “didn’t know how.”

“He took my phone and factory reset it,” she said.

Joynes, who said she suffered “a nervous breakdown” after her arrest, said Boy B tried to follow her on Snapchat the following month, but she rejected him.

But she said she accepted a request a few weeks later, after he asked her how she was coping.

“I really believed he cared about how I felt,” she said, adding that she came to consider Boy B her “best friend.”

However, she denied that sexual activity between the couple had taken place before he turned 16 in 2022.

Joynes said that on her birthday, Boy B sent her a message that said “I’m legal now” with a winking emoji.

Joynes arrives at Manchester Crown Court. The Year 11 maths teacher denied having had sexual relations with the first student, and insisted that any relationship with the second was after he was 16 and she had been dismissed.

Joynes arrives at Manchester Crown Court. The Year 11 maths teacher denied having had sexual relations with the first student, and insisted that any relationship with the second was after he was 16 and she had been fired from her.

But she said it was “just passed off as a joke” and that they only had sex after she was fired from her job in July 2022.

“There was no sexual contact until I was expelled from school,” he said.

She said they had sex after she became “really emotional.”

“It really shocked me that I lost my dream job.”

Previously, Joynes claimed boys in her Year 11 maths class at the Greater Manchester school where she taught made “flirtatious” comments, asking for her phone number and admiring her bum.

She said the boys would comment “You’re so sexy” and refer to her as “Bunda Becky,” which she said was a slang reference to her “butt.”

But she ignored the comments for fear that the boys would turn against her and affect the behavior of the class as a whole.

“I chose to ignore comments that I potentially shouldn’t have ignored as a teacher at the time,” she said.

Joynes admits having a sexual relationship with Boy B, which ended when she told him she was pregnant, but insists it only began after he turned 16.

She denies six charges of sexual activity with a child, two of them in a position of trust.

The trial continues.

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