Home Australia Man goes on a stabbing rampage at Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre in Mulgrave, Melbourne

Man goes on a stabbing rampage at Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre in Mulgrave, Melbourne

A crazed shopper allegedly stabbed two security guards with a broken soy sauce bottle in a terrifying rampage filmed in a busy Melbourne shopping centre.

A crazed shopper allegedly stabbed two security guards with a broken soy sauce bottle in a terrifying rampage filmed in a busy shopping centre.

The men were allegedly attacked by a man in his 30s at the Waverley Gardens shopping center in Mulgrave, Melbourne, about 2pm on Wednesday.

The buyer, who was barefoot and wearing only a sock, was seen throwing the broken bottle towards the two security guards, allegedly stabbing them both in the process as they tried to disarm it.

Witnesses say the man had broken the soy sauce bottle on the ground moments earlier, Seven News reported.

The man had reportedly been shouting obscenities near a playground, forcing security guards to tell him to move on.

Shocking footage obtained by the publication showed the man allegedly trying to stab guards who managed to take the bottle from his hand.

Nearby shoppers bravely made a citizen’s arrest of the man and restrained him until police arrived.

The security guards, aged 62 and 35, suffered minor injuries.

A crazed shopper allegedly stabbed two security guards with a broken soy sauce bottle in a terrifying rampage filmed in a busy Melbourne shopping centre.

The older man was rushed to hospital for treatment, while the younger man was treated at the scene by paramedics.

A witness said the man appeared to be under the influence of drugs.

“He was shouting inside at the two security guards who were standing there trying to get the man out of the center and he smashed his bottle against a railing and started attacking them,” he told the newspaper. Herald of the sun.

“He cut the first security guard in the face and the second in the neck.”

The man was arrested at the shopping center and remains in police custody.

“The man is alleged to have stabbed two people before being detained by witnesses until police arrived,” Victoria Police said in a statement.

“No one else is being sought in connection with this matter.”

No charges have yet been filed.

Brave buyers carried out a citizen arrest of the man who remains in police custody

Brave buyers carried out a citizen arrest of the man who remains in police custody

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