Home US Jon Stewart unleashes an expletive-laden tirade against Joe Biden and Democrats, criticizing “outrageous excuses about jetlag and a cold” for his bumbling performance in the televised debate.

Jon Stewart unleashes an expletive-laden tirade against Joe Biden and Democrats, criticizing “outrageous excuses about jetlag and a cold” for his bumbling performance in the televised debate.

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Liberal comedian Jon Stewart criticized the Democratic Party for not taking concerns about Biden's age seriously

Comedian Jon Stewart took to his Daily Show platform on Monday night to criticize the Democratic Party for downplaying Biden’s dismal performance in his decisive debate with Donald Trump in June.

“For a campaign built on honesty and decency, the debate manipulation seems like complete nonsense, and the redemption tour hasn’t gone much better,” Stewart began.

‘We are told that the threat from Trump is so great and the stakes are so high that even raising these absolutely legitimate concerns about the president’s ability to do the most vigorous job in the world over the next four years is enabling fascism.’

Stewart said concerns about another Trump administration “are not the only threats facing our democracy,” adding that another threat is the Biden campaign being unable to deal with voters’ concerns about the president.

The presenter described an “arthritic status quo” that “erodes trust and faith in the government border system.”

Liberal comedian Jon Stewart criticized the Democratic Party for not taking concerns about Biden’s age seriously

The presenter described a

The presenter described an “arthritic status quo” that “erodes trust and faith in the government border system.”

Stewart cautioned that her comments were not saying Biden should drop out of the race, but urged the Democratic Party to “open up the conversation.”

“Do you understand the opportunity this represents? Do you have any idea how thirsty Americans are for any hint of inspiration or leadership and liberation from this election between a megalomaniacal, suffocating gerontocracy?” he said.

The New Jersey native suggested a meeting of potential Democratic candidates in Chicago before the party’s convention in August.

‘All we want is for someone to get 100%, the percentage, not the age.’

The suggestion included having all candidates present their speeches and having the winner face Biden.

‘Feel free to ignore any obvious weaknesses in your team’s existential fight for freedom and democracy and then just hold on tight until November — or follow your own candidate’s advice.’

Stewart closed the segment by saying there are about 50 potential options that would defeat Donald Trump in the November election.

Immediately after the debate, Stewart was equally critical of Biden.

Stewart then showed clips of Biden’s struggles in the early debates, in which Biden appeared to confuse saving Medicare with defeating it.

“I’m sure it’s not something that was repeated throughout the debate and caused Democrats to jump out of windows or vomit silently,” he joked.

He attacked Biden again, sarcastically: “Anyone can screw him over… by talking.”

The show then played a series of clips of Biden’s faces reacting to Trump, which only further infuriated Stewart.

“It’s not a big deal! But… a lot of people look like they’re on hiatus under the 25th Amendment,” he joked.

Biden has been heavily criticized for his debate performance, but he insists he is still in the race.

Biden has been heavily criticized for his debate performance, but he insists he is still in the race.

Biden insists that only “the Lord Almighty” can convince him drop out of the presidential raceBut if he changes his mind, the vice president… Kamala Harris is by far the best positioned to replace it.

Harris would have an advantage over several of the most discussed Democratic alternatives such as California Governor Gavin Newsom and Michigan Governor Gretchen WhitmerShe has already been on the winning presidential ticket with Biden, has years of goodwill built up among the party’s core constituencies and would likely control a huge campaign fund built up by Biden’s re-election.

Here’s a closer look at his prospects in a possible open primary:

President easily secured the Democratic nomination And party rules prevent him from simply transferring the delegates he collected during next month’s Democratic National Convention. But several delegates have already suggested they would be loyal to Harris.

Biden’s choice of Harris could limit potential chaos and avoid floor fights that could cause lasting damage to whoever emerges to take on Republican Donald Trump.

“Harris is the most sensible choice to carry on Biden’s legacy,” said Andrew Feldman, a Democratic strategist who works closely with several state parties, stressing that the question was purely hypothetical since Biden insists he will not step down.

Feldman added that the Biden administration’s agenda “has been tremendously popular in terms of the issues they’ve championed” and that the president and Harris “have been doing it in partnership.”

Antjuan Seawright, a Democratic strategist based in South Carolina, noted that four years ago voters put Biden, 78, in the Oval Office knowing Harris was next in line, and that Biden avoided primary rivals this year at age 81 because Democratic voters knew Harris remained his second in command.

“Democrats voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,” Seawright said.

Harris is the first woman to serve as vice president, as well as the first Black woman and person of South Asian descent. African Americans are The largest and most loyal bloc of Democrats’ supporters.

It would be hard enough for any other candidate, even a popular alternative from a key state, to beat a historic number two. Being seen as the leader of the fight against someone who broke gender and racial barriers could forever brand the rival as disloyal in future Democratic primaries.

Glynda Carr, who leads the Higher Heights political action committee that supports Black female candidates across the country, said public suggestions that Harris could be replaced by another top Democrat in Biden’s absence show “how often Black women are overlooked.”

“You want black women to organize our homes, our neighborhoods, our churches, our sisterhoods?” Carr asked. “Then we have to support our leaders.”

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