Home Tech Avoid toothpaste: you should bite into a toothpaste tablet

Avoid toothpaste: you should bite into a toothpaste tablet

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Hand holding a transparent jar with white label and silver lid. Black countertop and toothbrush behind.

It takes more effort to use a toothpaste tablet than a standard toothpaste. You’ll want to chew it a few times and move the remnants of the powdered tablet around your mouth so it gets everywhere and doesn’t disperse unevenly. It’s not difficult to do, but some aggressive biting before brushing your teeth may not be the nighttime exercise you’re used to.

The toothbrush will help distribute the tablet and lather it up, but I have found that it is easier to distribute it as much as possible from the beginning. You’ll also want to use a damp toothbrush to add more moisture for maximum lather. There are many nights where I take two tablets instead of one, if I feel like one isn’t enough foam for my teeth that day.

It is a strange sensation that takes some getting used to; It feels much powderier and drier than the gel toothpaste most people use, and if you don’t chew it well enough, you may not feel like your teeth have been cleaned at all. My husband tried the toothpaste tablets and hated the texture and feel immediately. It took me about a week to get used to it, but now I can’t go back.

Sweet tooth

One of the main reasons I can’t go back is because every time I try regular toothpaste, I’m surprised by how sweet it tastes.

Toothpastes are sugar-free, at least not those approved by the American Dental Association, but they do have some type of sweetening agent to make them taste better. Colgate, a major toothpaste manufacturer, includes saccharin and sorbitol. as common sweetening agents. Both are artificial sweeteners and are used to cover the flavor of less tasty ingredients.

Photography: Nena Farrell

Some tablets also use sweetening agents. A popular option is xylitol, which Huppy, another toothpaste tablet maker, says It is “a natural sweetener that protects against unwanted bacteria.” It is also listed as an ingredient in my Bite tablets. Xylitol is not artificial (it is found in plants and fruits) and exists some limited research to support that it can reduce plaque and protect enamel when used in dental settings.

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