Home Travel American traveler reveals her top tips for handling international flights like a pro – from hydrating before you arrive at the airport to the best time to sleep

American traveler reveals her top tips for handling international flights like a pro – from hydrating before you arrive at the airport to the best time to sleep

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TikTok user MK is known as @localbaepsae on the platform, where she shares her travel tips and personal recommendations.

An American traveler has revealed her tips for tackling an international flight like a pro, including the importance of hydration and the best time to sleep.

TikTok user MK is known as @localbaepsae on the platform, where he shares his travel tips and personal recommendations with his 2,000 followers.

The content creator recently went viral. after detailing his list of rules for traveling internationally following a 15-hour flight from Atlanta, Georgia, to South Korea.

“Believe me, I discovered a couple of things,” he said.

TikTok user MK is known as @localbaepsae on the platform, where she shares her travel tips and personal recommendations.

The content creator recently went viral after detailing her list of rules for traveling internationally following a 15-hour flight from Atlanta, Georgia, to South Korea.

The content creator recently went viral after detailing her list of rules for traveling internationally following a 15-hour flight from Atlanta, Georgia, to South Korea.

MK explained that his first rule for “surviving a day of international flying” is to drink as much water as possible before boarding the plane.

‘I don’t care if you’re not normally a water drinker. “I don’t care if you can’t hold your pee,” she said. “This is the day you’re going to drink as much water before you get to the airport.”

He noted that you don’t want to get dehydrated, but you also don’t want to get up to go to the bathroom every five minutes during your flight.

“So you’re going to drink water before you get there,” he continued. ‘You can still drink water on the plane, but try to drink as much as possible before you get on the plane. Thank me later.’

MK also recommended eating some breakfast, although he acknowledged that some people are not hungry first thing in the morning.

“Just do your best,” he said.

The travel guru explained that she likes to arrive at the airport three hours before her international flight to check her bags, go through security and get settled.

You then have the option of going to an airport lounge or finding a place to camp until your flight boarding begins.

MK explained that she drinks as much water as she can before arriving at the airport and follows a pre-boarding ritual that includes her skin care routine and compression stockings.

The travel guru noted that it's important to sleep according to your destination's time zone to avoid jet lag, which may mean trying to take a mid-afternoon nap.

MK explained that she drinks as much water as she can before arriving at the airport and follows a pre-boarding ritual that includes her skin care routine and compression stockings.

MK noted that this is a good time to drink even more water and check that everything you want or need while in the air is in your personal bag, not your carry-on luggage.

He said “the most important step, besides drinking water,” is to perform a pre-boarding ritual before getting on the plane.

MK does her full overnight skincare routine, puts on compression stockings, and goes to the bathroom one more time before boarding.

“Don’t take care of your skin on the plane because all that recycled air is going to be very, very unpleasant,” he warned. “You want to prepare your defenses before you get on the plane.”

MK explained that when you get to your seat you must use disinfectant wipes to disinfect the entire area.including tray and front pocket.

‘I know they clean it, but if you want to be more like me, do a second cleaning. Just so you know you’re not trying to get sick during the trip,” she said.

‘Now apply the thickest hand lotion you can find. Literally, just suck it up. Again, dry air. The issue here is hydration.’

MK recommended staying awake at least until the first meal service and taking sleep aids while eating.

“When you’re done eating, you’ll be ready to take a nice nap,” he said. “Make sure your phone is charging and you’ll be good to go.”

MK said you should also stretch and get up periodically. She likes to go to the bathroom mid-flight to brush her teeth, change her underwear, and reapply lip balm.

MK said you should also stretch and get up periodically. She likes to go to the bathroom mid-flight to brush her teeth, change her underwear, and reapply lip balm.

MK acknowledged that you'll probably be exhausted when you get to your hotel or Airbnb, but stressed that you should try to stay up until your usual bedtime.

MK acknowledged that you’ll probably be exhausted when you get to your hotel or Airbnb, but stressed that you should try to stay up until your usual bedtime.

The traveler advised using the time zone of your destination as a guide to deciding when to sleep and stay awake.

MK explained that he tried to take a nap at 12 pm on his flight from Atlanta to South Korea to adjust to the 13-hour time difference and combat jet lag.

He suggested watching TV if you’re having trouble staying awake and getting comfortable with a pair of slippers on board if the airline offers them.

MK said you should also stretch periodically and get up when necessary. Halfway through his flight he likes to go to the bathroom to brush his teeth, change his underwear, and reapply lip balm.

He warned against jumping into the aisle when the plane lands unless you have a connecting flight.

“This should just be a general statement for all flights,” he said. ‘Don’t be the guy who blocks the walkway and tries to cut off the people in the rows in front of them. Just wait your turn.’

MK also recommended using English at immigration checkpoints if you are not fluent in the local language.

“You’ll end up staying in alignment if you try to practice,” he said.

Finally, before leaving the airport, you should grab your checked luggage, obtain a transportation card if you are using public transportation, and make sure your phone service is working.

MK acknowledged that you’ll probably be exhausted when you get to your hotel or Airbnb, but stressed that you should try to stay up until your usual bedtime.

“Try to adapt quickly to jet lag,” he concluded.

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