Home Australia My mom has been sleeping with my wife’s brother – and now everyone blames HER for the tryst

My mom has been sleeping with my wife’s brother – and now everyone blames HER for the tryst

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In a post shared on Reddit, an anonymous man, believed to be from the US, recounted the somewhat awkward position he found himself in after discovering his own mother on a date with his wife's brother ( archive image)

Sometimes the relationship you need has been in front of you all along.

In a post shared on Reddit, an anonymous man, believed to be from the US, recounted the somewhat awkward position he found himself in after discovering his own mother on a date with his wife’s brother.

Shared on the Am I The A**hole subreddit, the 28-year-old explained that the family had discovered the relationship at his in-laws’ anniversary party.

The man said his wife’s family is quite wealthy and traditional, consisting of his parents, his brother who is the same age as him, and his younger sister in college.

However, his family consists only of him and his 48-year-old mother.

In a post shared on Reddit, an anonymous man, believed to be from the US, recounted the somewhat awkward position he found himself in after discovering his own mother on a date with his wife’s brother ( archive image)

“Mom divorced my abusive father when I was seven,” she explained. “I never remarried.”

During the party, the man’s 28-year-old wife told him she was “100 percent sure” her mother had been having a physical relationship with her brother.

“(She) told me they both just disappeared from the party,” he explained. “She honestly surprised me.

“She immediately said that she had been watching and observing my mom for a while,” he continued. “(She) hadn’t told me before, because she was making sure.”

Before he could say anything, his wife ran up to her brother’s room, opened the door, and immediately started screaming.

“I followed her along with some other people from the party,” he recalled. “It was fucking embarrassing.”

“I melted with shame,” he admitted.

When they opened the door, they found his wife’s brother, Ben, and his mother “half-naked and quite drunk.”

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Most Reddit users agreed that they are two consenting adults and that their mother is not the only one to blame.

Most Reddit users agreed that they are two consenting adults and that their mother is not the only one to blame.

“They were kissing when his wife caught them,” he said.

According to the man, Ben immediately put on his pants and ran to the bathroom, but his mother was unable to fix his clothes.

“I immediately covered her with my jacket, my wife didn’t like that,” he said.

“Within seconds, the situation escalated and my wife’s parents started insulting my mother, calling her names and blaming her for luring their ‘son’ and having ‘dirty’ relations with him,” he said in disbelief.

Following the discovery, Ben locked himself in the bathroom and reportedly no one blamed him.

“Everyone just blamed my mom,” he said sadly. “My wife’s mother literally shamed my mother, saying that women like her (middle-aged, divorced) are the worst.”

The man later took his mother back to his apartment, which is next door to his mother’s apartment, which he also owns.

However, his wife, furious about the situation, wants him to kick her out because he doesn’t want to see her again.

‘I denied it. Because, I really don’t understand why everyone blames only my mom. she questioned. ‘Am I the idiot?’

He later updated the post to reveal that his wife had said that her parents do not support the relationship between her brother and mother.

“He wants to leave his house and move into my mother’s apartment,” she said. ‘I still have to talk to my mum, but Ben says my mum supports him too.

“Now everything is screwed,” he concluded.

Most Reddit users agreed that they are two consenting adults and that their mother is not the only one to blame.

‘Okay, let me say this… while I understand it was shocking, you’re both adults. Why go out of your way to embarrass them on purpose? Maybe confront them separately after the party, but this wasn’t the way to handle this,” one user suggested.

“Honestly they should have never been confronted,” another responded.

‘Their relationship is not the rest of the family’s business. Also, if my sister had teased me like that, she would have put pants on me, but my sister and I would be arguing over the fact that she CAME INTO MY ROOM because she was worried that I was making an adult decision on my own. with which she did not agree,’ they noted.

‘Yeah. “I think your wife is the asshole in this situation because she’s the one who escalated the situation when she could have easily done the investigation in a more subtle way,” another user wrote. ‘Or better yet, stop it before it starts considering she had suspicions about it.’

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