Home US Only people with stellar vision can spot the robots in this restaurant-themed puzzle in 10 seconds… did you find them?

Only people with stellar vision can spot the robots in this restaurant-themed puzzle in 10 seconds… did you find them?

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It takes people an average of 34 seconds to spot robots placing an order with a waiter.

Some of the world’s brightest minds claim that humanity could be overthrown by robot overlords in the not-too-distant future.

So this should be good practice.

A new restaurant-themed puzzle challenges participants to find the two robots among a sea of ​​humans.

Only the extremely attentive will be able to spot such an element within a 10-second window, its creators claim.

It takes people an average of 34 seconds to spot robots placing an order with a waiter.

It takes people an average of 34 seconds to spot robots placing an order with a waiter.

The visual puzzle was launched by RS Components.

It has a restaurant packed with people and two clients who are different from the rest.

Take a quick look at each table and see if you notice anything strange about the dinner guests.

If you haven’t seen them yet, the clues are in their eyes and limbs.

You should notice that both robots in question have red eyes. They also have hinges on their jaws and arms.

Haven’t figured them out yet? The last clue is to focus on the center of the image.

Didn't get them? Here's the answer

Didn’t get them? Here’s the answer

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