Home Australia How to update your outdated acronyms to keep up with Generation Z: swap YOLO for DIFTP and ROFL for the skull emoji

How to update your outdated acronyms to keep up with Generation Z: swap YOLO for DIFTP and ROFL for the skull emoji

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New Currys study reveals popular abbreviations that Gen Z perceive as 'old'
  • New Study Reveals Popular Abbreviations That Generation Z Perceives as ‘Old’
  • Fortunately, there are some simple changes you can make to keep up with the youth.

Whether it’s downloading TikTok or succumbing to the latest fashion trend, many of us are trying to do our part to be “down with the kids.”

But one key thing could be revealing your age: the use of acronmys.

A new study from Currys has revealed the popular abbreviations that Gen Z perceive as “old”, and it’s not good news if you’re still using OMG, YOLO or LMAO.

“If you still cling to certain acronyms in your text conversations, you may be indicating your age without realizing it,” Currys said.

Luckily, help is available, as Currys has revealed the easy changes you can make to keep up with Generation Z.

New Currys study reveals popular abbreviations that Gen Z perceive as ‘old’

The acronyms that make you look old

  1. YOLO
  2. LMAO
  3. G2G
  4. HA HA HA
  5. ROFL
  6. TTYL
  7. BRB
  8. TGIF
  9. FOMO
  10. MY GOD

In the study, Currys set out to understand the role of acronyms in the daily lives of Britons.

A group of 2,018 participants were questioned about the most and least recognizable acronyms, as well as how they perceive the people who use them.

The results revealed that YOLO (You Only Live Once) ranked first as the acronym that Gen Z respondents considered the most outdated.

It was followed by LMAO (35 percent consider it obsolete), G2G (34 percent), LOL (32 percent) and ROFL (31 percent).

“While there are some acronyms that are outdated, it can seem impossible to keep up with how quickly new abbreviations appear, so it’s important to use the ones you’re comfortable with,” Currys said.

If you still use these outdated abbreviations regularly, there is good news.

Currys has created a glossary of alternative terms that are considered more acceptable to Generation Z.

Whether it's downloading TikTok or succumbing to the latest fashion trend, many of us are trying to do our bit to be

Whether it’s downloading TikTok or succumbing to the latest fashion trend, many of us are trying to do our part to be “down with the kids.” But one key thing could be revealing your age: the use of acronmys.

How to update your acronyms
If you used this Use this instead
Yolo you only live once) DIFTP (doing it for the plot)
LMAO (laughs out loud) IJBOL (I just laughed)
ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing) skull emoji
BRILLIANT what slaps
Oh my god (oh my god) High five emoji
K.K. Bet

“We took most of Gen Z’s results for the most outdated acronyms and combined them with a newer, modern version so you can speak their language,” the tech outlet said.

Instead of YOLO, Currys suggests using DIFTP (Do It For The Plot).

LMAO can be replaced by IJBOL (I Just Burst Out Laughing), while you can simply opt for a skull emoji instead of ROFL.

Meanwhile, the ‘high five’ emoji can be used in place of the old OMG.

As part of the study, Currys also looked at acronyms that most Brits don’t understand.

TNTL (Try Not To Laugh) topped the list, and only three per cent of Brits understand what this means.

It was followed by LBR (Let’s Be Real) (understood by four per cent), followed by SNM (Say No More), which was understood by only seven per cent of Britons.

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