Home US Hollywood celebrities abandon Joe Biden as they lash out at Donald Trump and CNN moderators after disastrous debate

Hollywood celebrities abandon Joe Biden as they lash out at Donald Trump and CNN moderators after disastrous debate

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Celebrities have criticized Donald Trump, the debate moderators and the state of American politics, but none were willing to claim that Joe Biden won.

Celebrities have lashed out at Donald Trump, the debate moderators and the state of American politics, but none were willing to claim that Joe Biden won.

The president and his predecessor faced off in the first of two debates in Atlanta Thursday night on topics ranging from the economy to immigration to foreign affairs.

Biden, with a cold, spoke in a hoarse voice and seemed confused and at times incoherent at the beginning of the debate, but improved as it went on.

Trump, on the other hand, was his usual energetic self as he attacked Biden on stage and made at least 30 false statements during the 90-minute debate.

Celebrities have criticized Donald Trump, the debate moderators and the state of American politics, but none were willing to claim that Joe Biden won.

Celebrities including Barbra Streisand (pictured), John Cusack, Mark Hamil and Stephen King vented their frustrations online as the debate raged.

Celebrities including Barbra Streisand (pictured), John Cusack, Mark Hamil and Stephen King vented their frustrations online as the debate unfolded.

Democrats panicked during and after the debate as Biden’s lackluster performance left them worried about a crushing defeat.

Celebrities including Barbra Streisand, John Cusack, Mark Hamil and Stephen King vented their frustrations online as the debate unfolded.

One of the main targets was CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, as several celebrities claimed they were letting Trump get away with it.

‘What’s wrong with these two moderators who let Trump change the subject? They ask him a question, but then they let him freak out about something else. It’s not fair!’ Streisand wrote in the middle of the debate.

Earlier in the day, the singer called the debates “televised theater” rather than governing, and called Biden an “expert at governing.”

Cusack posted more than a dozen tweets during the debate, stating that

Cusack posted more than a dozen tweets during the debate, claiming that “CNN is allowing this deranged liar to lie without consequences.”

Jeri Ryan, known for playing Seven of Nine on Star Trek, also joined the call for CNN moderators to put more pressure on Trump.

Jeri Ryan, best known for playing Seven of Nine on Star Trek, also joined in calling for CNN moderators to push back further against Trump.

Cusack posted more than a dozen tweets during the debate, some of them making the same argument as Streisand.

‘Trump is a convicted felon who makes up whatever he wants. CNN has abdicated all responsibility for definition,’ he wrote.

“CNN lets this deranged liar lie without consequences. Meanwhile, Democrats think getting the facts right is important. This is the end, my beautiful friends.”

Jeri Ryan, best known for playing Seven of Nine on Star Trek, also joined in the call for CNN moderators to put more pressure on Trump.

“Trump doesn’t answer ANY questions. And the moderators don’t offer any resistance,” he wrote.

Former Grey’s Anatomy star Jesse Williams had similar thoughts: “Why moderate if you’re not going to moderate? Not a single lie has been proven.”

Former Grays Anatomy star Jesse Williams had similar thoughts: 'Why moderate if you're not going to moderate? Not a single lie has been proven.

Former Grays Anatomy star Jesse Williams had similar thoughts: ‘Why moderate if you’re not going to moderate? Not a single lie has been proven.

Ryan also criticized a false claim by Trump that doctors in some states were allowed to abort babies “after birth,” without explaining how that would actually happen.

“AFTER childbirth?” What an idiot. You CANNOT have an abortion AFTER childbirth,” she wrote.

Then he added: “My God, he really lies like he breathes.”

Bestselling author Stephen King denounced the state of American democracy that the debate exposed.

“My God! The television networks are presenting this as entertainment, as if it were a boxing match, and they are selling democracy in the trash. It’s a shame,” he wrote.

Actress Nia Long simply stated, “This debate is deplorable.”

Cusack admitted that the date was a disaster for Biden and likely heralded the end of Democrats’ hopes of retaining the White House.

“Meltdown: CNN set the perfect conditions,” he wrote.

‘A perfect storm of CNN demotion, the Biden team ruining the image of everything and over-preparing Biden to win with data.’

Actress Nia Long simply stated: 'This debate is deplorable'

Actress Nia Long simply stated: ‘This debate is deplorable’

He claimed that Democratic Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders would win in a landslide and predicted that California Governor Gavin Newsome would take office.

Williams also alluded to Newsome replacing Biden by sharing a meme of a man confidently walking into a television studio.

“Gavin Newsom will be arriving at the DNC offices tomorrow morning,” he wrote.

Star Wars actor Mark Hamil didn’t say Biden won the debate, but insisted that even though he had a bad night, he was still a much better president.

“A night off doesn’t change the fact that Joe Biden is the most legislatively successful (president) of our lifetime,” he wrote.

‘One night off also doesn’t change the fact that the ex-boy is a convicted felon, a serial liar, and a convicted rapist who is unfit for ANY office. Period.’

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