Home Australia Hilarious moment when a mother asks her Cocker Spaniel to help her choose her lottery numbers

Hilarious moment when a mother asks her Cocker Spaniel to help her choose her lottery numbers

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A woman has enlisted the help of her cocker spaniel to help her choose her lottery numbers, but she reads the numbers and chooses those that make a woof or a howl.

This is the hilarious moment a woman enlisted the help of her Cocker Spaniel to help her choose her lottery numbers by reading the figures and choosing the ones that received a woof or a howl.

The unnamed British woman’s footage was shared on TikTok by her daughter, 17, who goes by the username @iliterallylovecatssomuch, showing the family dog, Freckles, helping her pick her lottery numbers.

Sitting in a chair, the mother read the numbers to Freckles, who sat at her feet, howling at the numbers he liked and remaining silent because he felt they were not the winning numbers.

Once the selection was complete, he first double-checked with Freckles before submitting them.

A woman has enlisted the help of her cocker spaniel to help her choose her lottery numbers, but she reads the numbers and chooses those that make a woof or a howl.

‘Do we want those?’ he asked the cub, who responded affirmatively with another howl.

—Have you asked him to choose your lottery numbers? asked her daughter, who recorded the scene, and her mother proudly responded, “Yes.”

‘Are you going to get her to do it all the time?’

“Just one week, just for tonight,” the mother said as she submitted the numbers on her online account.

Although Freckles seemed confident in her numbers, a follow-up video from the TikToker revealed that she didn’t have the magic touch after all.

‘What’s the answer, Freckles, do we win?’ the daughter asked receiving a hopeful yelp from the family pet.

Freckles, the cocker spaniel, barked for the numbers he thought were the winners.

Freckles, the cocker spaniel, barked for the numbers he thought were the winners.

“I don’t think we did it, there’s no use saying we did,” his mother told the shy dog, who responded the only way he knew how.

We did not! You haven’t chosen a single winning number, have you? Mom said, giving Freckles an accusatory look as she barked innocently.

Freckles’ response? A nod to the air, as expected, to let out a huge howl.

A dog behaviorist recently revealed that Cocker Spaniels are one of the worst behaved breeds owners can buy.

Will Atherton explained that ‘working line cocker spaniels’ are the mischievous dogs and the ‘number one breed that people get for the wrong reasons’.

“They bring in this dog that was bred to do a job and work in the fields all day and they expect him to be a couch potato dog, an Instagram dog,” he explained.

In addition to their tendency to react quickly and pull on the leash, the dog trainer added that Cocker Spaniels’ love of barking is one of the reasons they are such a difficult breed to have at home.

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