Home Australia Father asks surgeon to cancel transgender surgery for ‘depressed’ 20-year-old: ‘Please don’t remove my daughter’s breasts… in just one day you will ruin her life forever’

Father asks surgeon to cancel transgender surgery for ‘depressed’ 20-year-old: ‘Please don’t remove my daughter’s breasts… in just one day you will ruin her life forever’

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A distraught father pleaded in vain with top plastic surgeon Mohsen El Gammal not to remove his 20-year-old daughter's breasts in a transgender operation, telling him in a scathing letter that he was about to destroy her life.

A distraught father pleaded in vain with a leading plastic surgeon not to remove his 20-year-old daughter’s breasts in a transgender operation, telling him in a scathing letter that he was about to destroy her life.

The father told consultant Mohsen El Gammal that his daughter suffered from depression and that as a way of coping with her persistent mental health issues, she had previously resorted to self-harm and then starvation before embracing the “trans cult”.

In the heartbreaking letter, she tells El Gammal, who boasts of having performed 1,000 such operations: “Ultimately, my daughter is depressed.

‘She was seeking the satisfaction that came from cutting herself, starving herself, being mistaken for a boy, taking testosterone and, now, having her breasts removed.

‘He has to learn that life is not a prolonged adrenaline rush. That happiness is a more moderate feeling, that it comes from within and is derived from finding a place and a purpose in life.

A distraught father pleaded in vain with top plastic surgeon Mohsen El Gammal not to remove his 20-year-old daughter’s breasts in a transgender operation, telling him in a scathing letter that he was about to destroy her life.

The father warned the doctor that his daughter suffered from depression and had previously resorted to self-harm and starvation before embracing the

The father warned the doctor that his daughter suffered from depression and had previously resorted to self-harm and starvation before embracing the “trans cult” (file photo)

‘You’re feeding their problem, not helping to solve it.

‘Please don’t take away my daughter’s breasts.

Extracts from his statement

‘In the end my daughter is depressed.

‘She was seeking the satisfaction that came from cutting herself, starving herself, being mistaken for a boy, taking testosterone and, now, having her breasts removed.

‘She needs to learn that life is not one long adrenaline rush; that happiness is a more moderate feeling, that comes from within and is derived from finding a place and purpose in life.

‘You’re feeding their problem, not helping to solve it.

‘Please don’t take away my daughter’s breasts.

‘One day, one day you will quickly forget, you will ruin her life forever.

‘You will take away her opportunity to breastfeed her child; you will take away her opportunity to have a normal and wide group of people from which to choose her partner in life; you will cause her irreparable damage.

‘She is 20 years old.

Who among us knew at age 20 what we would know or think at age 30?

Who among us understood ourselves as we do at 60?

Who among us hasn’t done things that we almost immediately regretted?

‘If you decide to operate on her, you may be able to use the time while she is under anesthesia to look at the extensive scars on her arms and legs.

‘These are the scars from the self-harming fad she took part in as a teenager.

‘This was before she started starving.

‘All this before she started participating in the trans cult.

‘Perhaps you will reflect on the only two appointments my daughter needed with her GP to obtain a private prescription for testosterone.’

‘One day, one day you will quickly forget, you will ruin her life forever.

‘You will take away her opportunity to breastfeed her child; you will take away her opportunity to have a wide and normal group of people from which to choose her partner in life; you will cause her irreparable damage.’

The father, who asked to remain anonymous to protect his daughter’s privacy, published the letter in The Mail on Sunday to highlight his powerlessness to protect her.

She says she never received an acknowledgement of receipt of the letter, sent in May to the private Cadogan Clinic in Chelsea, west London.

Her daughter had to undergo a double mastectomy last month.

The father told Mr. El Gammal: “He is 20 years old.”

Who among us knew at age 20 what we would know or think at age 30?

Who among us understood ourselves as we do at 60?

Who among us hasn’t done things we regretted almost immediately, let alone things we look back on with disbelief years later?

‘How can you believe that she is actually capable of giving informed consent to what you are going to do to her?

“She can’t see around the corner, let alone over the horizon.

‘You know this, and yet you are willing to trust a piece of paper in which she gives up her future well-being.

‘If you decide to operate on her, you may be able to use the time while she is under anesthesia to look at the extensive scars on her arms and legs.

‘These are the scars from the self-harming fad she took part in as a teenager.

“That was before he started starving himself. All of this before he started participating in the trans cult.

‘Perhaps you will reflect on the only two GP appointments it took for her to get a private prescription for testosterone.

‘Perhaps you reflect on the professional capture within the therapy industry, which leads every therapist you’ve spoken to to affirm your decision as real rather than question its reality.’

He added that “instead of trying to reconcile the confusion of the mind with the body, the futile attempt is made to reconcile the body with the confused mind.”

He told the surgeon: ‘When you come home after having destroyed my daughter’s life and well-being, long after you have forgotten her name and her operation, long after you have spent the money you were paid for this carnage, long after you have retired, she and those who love her will have to live with the consequences of your actions.

‘But I hope you will still be alive when this malpractice is revealed for what it is: the medical profession’s facilitation of pseudoscience, in the same way that surgeons in 1930s Germany, the US and elsewhere sterilised the ‘feeble-minded’ in the name of eugenics.’

Despite her desperate plea, the daughter is known to have undergone a double mastectomy operation last month (file photo)

Despite her desperate plea, the daughter is known to have undergone a double mastectomy operation last month (file photo)

The concerned father says he never received an acknowledgement of receipt of the letter, sent in May to the private Cadogan Clinic in Chelsea, west London.

The concerned father says he never received an acknowledgement of receipt of the letter, sent in May to the private Cadogan Clinic in Chelsea, west London.

NHS England is planning a review of adult gender clinics after whistleblowers raised concerns about the quality of care, but there is no suggestion that private clinics will be part of that review.

This will follow paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass’s inquiry into NHS children’s gender services, which recommended that 17- to 25-year-olds should be seen in child and young people’s centres rather than adult clinics.

The publication of the father’s letter to El Gammal follows US tycoon Elon Musk’s revelation that he has “lost” his 20-year-old son Xavier, who is now known as a woman named Vivian after being prescribed gender-changing drugs during the pandemic.

SpaceX and Tesla owner Mr Musk has denounced “gender-affirming care” as “evil”.

The father who wrote to Mr El Gammal said: ‘Women and men can be whatever they want to be.

“They don’t have to fit anyone’s stereotypes, and by forcing them to do so we’re pushing young people to take life-changing medications and undergo life-changing surgeries at an age where they don’t really understand what the long-term consequences are.”

The clinic said last night it cannot comment on a family disagreement.

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