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The Modern Audience and Your Brand

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Having a target audience is quite a core part of your initial business plan. Without it, you don’t know who your service is for or how you’re going to make it appealing enough for people to buy. While you might have a particular audience in mind, some might also feel that the way businesses and audiences interact in general is prone to shifts in today’s world, becoming something more malleable.

How does your brand fit into these shifts? Do you have to alter the way that you try to reach your target audiences to reflect these changes? Is the modern audience even any different to older ones?

Modern Means

In a superficial sense, yes. The technology surrounding businesses, audiences, and the way that the two entities interact has changed substantially in recent decades, and that means that expectations have shifted alongside that. It’s not enough for you to be confident in your core product or service, you also likely have to have a strong digital presence if you’re hoping to make the most of what that landscape has to offer.

This might mean that you maintain robust social media marketing campaigns, bolstering that with SEO and an effective website. Or it might mean that you design an app that represents the best way for your customers to engage with your brand. It’s not just about the basics, though. It’s also about the tools you use to make these platforms as impressive as possible – in particular, your website and app. Utilizing Kubernetes Ingress might help you to do that, giving your development team room to consistently improve the customer experience and stay ahead of the game.

Social Expectations

The increased online presence of businesses – especially when it comes to social media – also means that you are in the public eye regularly, and that means expectations and scrutiny might weigh heavily on you. This is something that can be seen when it comes to controversies, bad PR situations, and greenwashing – the attitude towards a business can sour due to various factors, and a lot of pressure gets put on the response that you ultimately are expected to provide. It’s a difficult situation, and one that can be difficult to plan ahead for due to the specificities of the situation, but it helps to know the general dos and don’ts if you find yourself in this situation, so you don’t make the situation worse.

That Sense of Connection

Not every brand is going to communicate with their audiences in the same way. Some might be more content to be seen as formal and professional throughout every interaction, while others might develop that sense of personal connection through a more human touch. Informal social media interactions can even become the backbone of a brand’s personality or tone of voice, but that’s not the only way it’s done. Sometimes it’s simply through consistent quality customer service and a sharing of values, feeling more like an entity that they can trust rather than another faceless corporation.

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