Home Australia The insulting last words of Texas death row inmate Travis Mullis before being executed for abusing and murdering his own baby

The insulting last words of Texas death row inmate Travis Mullis before being executed for abusing and murdering his own baby

Travis Mullis, 38, pictured above, the most recent available of him through the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

A Texas man who admitted stomping on and strangling his own baby after sexually abusing the three-month-old has called his execution by lethal injection “assisted suicide” in his final words.

Travis Mullis, 38, spoke his final words while strapped to a gurney in the death chamber in Huntsville, Texas, on Tuesday night.

After waiving her legal right to appeal her execution for the murder of her baby in 2008, Mullis said she “took legal steps to expedite the process to include assisted suicide.”

“I do not regret this decision to speed up this legal process,” he said in his latest statement.

“I regret having made the decision to take my son’s life. It was my decision that brought me here,” the convicted killer added.

Mullis brutalized his own son, Alijiah, after attempting to rape another girl on January 29, 2008. According to KPRC.

Travis Mullis, 38, pictured above, the most recent available of him through the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

Alijah James Mullis is pictured here in a photo shared by his family on Facebook

Alijah James Mullis is pictured here in a photo shared by his family on Facebook

At the time, Mullis, his girlfriend and their newborn baby were living with a friend who had a daughter because they couldn’t afford their own apartment.

In a police confession days after the killing, Mullis told police he tried to assault the 8-year-old boy at a playground.

“I asked her to take her pants off and she said, ‘No,'” Mullis told investigators.

‘She started crying, she got scared, I got scared too. I was upset by what she was doing. I knew it was wrong. So I said to her, “Let’s go home.”

Mullis told police he himself had been sexually abused as a child and thought he could get rid of the flashbacks if he “acted on it.”

Mullis told his girlfriend what had happened between him and the girl, and the couple feared they would be kicked out of the mobile home once her father found out.


He said: “I am guilty of what I did and the death penalty is the legally and, I believe, morally justified sentence for what I have done” in 2018.

Baby Alijah photographed with his mother

Baby Alijah photographed with his mother

Mullis, who said she was going for a walk to figure out her next steps, went for a stroll with this baby in Galveston.

The father, then 21, said the baby woke up during the trip and began crying uncontrollably.

“I had reached my breaking point with stress and I was scared,” she told police.

“I panicked, I reached my breaking point and at that moment I broke down. I felt that the only way to make him stop crying was to kill him.”

Mullis strangled the baby and then stomped on him to death.

Although he did not confess, prosecutors said there was evidence he had also sexually abused the baby, before dumping her body on the side of the road near the seawall.

Mullis was on the run for three days before turning himself in to police in Philadelphia.

Pictured above: The area where Alijah's body was dumped in Galveston, Texas, near the seawall.

Pictured above: The area where Alijah’s body was dumped in Galveston, Texas, near the seawall.

Travis Mullis confessed to murdering his son in a recorded interview with police

Travis Mullis confessed to murdering his son in a recorded interview with police

In 2011 he was convicted and sentenced to death.

Seven years later, he filed a motion to waive his appeals and fire his attorney, hoping to speed up his execution.

“I am guilty of what I did and the death penalty is the legally justified and, I believe, morally justified sentence for what I have done. I am willing to accept my punishment,” he said during an interview at the time. Officials declared him dead at 7:01 p.m. CDT. No one on his side or the baby’s mother witnessed the execution.

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