Home Australia Sydney’s oldest brothel, Tiffany’s Girls, up for sale amid dwindling sex venues

Sydney’s oldest brothel, Tiffany’s Girls, up for sale amid dwindling sex venues

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Tiffany's Girls on Albion St in the central suburb of Surry Hills has welcomed thousands of pleasure seekers since it first opened in the early 1970s.

Sydney’s oldest brothel – a series of lavishly decorated rooms hidden behind the modest facade of a compact townhouse – is up for sale with uncertainty surrounding its future.

Tiffany’s Girls on Albion St in the inner suburb of Surry Hills has welcomed thousands of pleasure seekers since it first opened in the early 1970s.

It promotes itself as “Sydney’s finest brothel” and its website states that it “sets the standard of excellence in adult services”.

‘Whether it’s your first time or you’re a seasoned visitor to the city, our distinguished brothel offers you an unforgettable experience.

‘Our brothel has consistently curated an exceptional roster of escorts, each chosen for their grace, charm and intimate experience.’

Inside there are 14 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms, with photographs of the interior revealing heavy red velvet curtains, gilded statues of ancient goddesses, throne chairs, large Jacuzzis and mirrored ceilings.

But the future of Tiffany’s Girls, along with that of other long-standing Sydney establishments, is unclear.

The rise of OnlyFans and other online streaming services means sex workers no longer feel the need to work in brothels, said Albion St establishment owner Parry Bitsikas. The Sydney Morning Herald.

Tiffany’s Girls on Albion St in the central suburb of Surry Hills has welcomed thousands of pleasure seekers since it first opened in the early 1970s.

“During the pandemic, brothels went through a huge transition,” said Bitsikas, who is not involved in the day-to-day running of the brothel.

‘Now girls want to do their thing on OnlyFans, run their own businesses in their own apartments… but a brothel offers the one thing a phone can’t: security in a safe environment.’

As a result, the site spanning five terraces and an adjoining corner building, all within 10 minutes of the city, could be worth more than $13 million in an area that is rapidly being transformed by high-rise apartment developments.

Inside there are 14 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms, with photographs of the interior revealing heavy red velvet curtains, gilded statues of ancient goddesses, throne chairs, large Jacuzzis and mirrored ceilings.

Inside there are 14 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms, with photographs of the interior revealing heavy red velvet curtains, gilded statues of ancient goddesses, throne chairs, large Jacuzzis and mirrored ceilings.

The site, which comprises five terraces and an adjoining corner building, all within 10 minutes of the city, could be worth more than $13 million in an area that is rapidly being transformed by high-rise apartment developments.

The site, which comprises five terraces and an adjoining corner building, all within 10 minutes of the city, could be worth more than $13 million in an area that is rapidly being transformed by high-rise apartment developments.

“I really don’t know what will happen to this place. It’s a real island in Surry Hills, it wouldn’t take much to relocate it and turn it into an apartment block,” Bitsikas said.

Property data shows the site last sold for $1,124,750 in September 2006.

For what it’s worth, Bitsikas told the Herald that while the business had changed a lot, there was still money to be made in brothels.

“It was the first company in the world and it will be the last.”

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