Home Health Suddenly my husband seemed very confused and needed to go to bed. Is something serious wrong with you? Dr. ELLIE has the answer.

Suddenly my husband seemed very confused and needed to go to bed. Is something serious wrong with you? Dr. ELLIE has the answer.

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In a mini-stroke, the affected part of the brain suddenly has no blood supply and therefore stops functioning.

My 70 year old husband had an episode of total confusion last week and had to lie down for ten minutes until he felt better. He’s fine now, but I’m worried he may have had a mini stroke.

Dr. Ellie Cannon responds: A sudden, brief change in speech, vision, mental function, muscle function, or balance are signs of a mini stroke.

It is also called a transient ischemic attack and symptoms can last from a few minutes to 24 hours. Complete confusion would certainly be considered a possible symptom.

In a mini-stroke, the affected part of the brain suddenly has no blood supply and therefore stops functioning.

A mini stroke occurs due to a sudden interruption of blood supply to the brain. Often this happens because a blood clot is blocking the artery, but it can also occur when there is a small bleed in the brain.

The affected part of the brain suddenly has no blood supply and therefore stops functioning, which explains the sudden symptoms.

Unlike a full-blown stroke, this blood loss is temporary, usually because the clot breaks loose and stops blocking the artery. However, no matter how brief the symptoms may be, it is essential that anyone who suspects they have suffered a mini-stroke is taken to hospital immediately.

This is partly due to the fact that doctors need to assess whether any brain damage has occurred. They may also offer treatment if there appears to be a clot still blocking blood flow.

Even if it’s been more than a week since the episode and the problem seems to have resolved itself, it’s worth going to the hospital. This is because doctors can reduce the risk of another mini-stroke, or even a full stroke, occurring again.

This could be accomplished by recommending exercise, suggesting quitting smoking, or prescribing medication. A medication called clopidogrel is often used to prevent blood clots.

Statins can be given in high doses to lower cholesterol, reducing the chances of further fat accumulation.

There are also other causes of sudden confusion in older people, such as low blood sugar in someone with diabetes. An infection can also trigger this symptom, but it usually does not last as long. A sudden change in level of consciousness and confusion can also be a sign of a certain type of seizure.

Whatever the cause, it is essential that anyone experiencing these symptoms see a doctor as soon as possible.

I was recently told that I have piriformis syndrome. I’m suffering a lot. That I have to do?

Dr. Ellie answers: Piriformis syndrome is a type of sciatica but specifically causes pain in the buttocks, usually on one side. It is caused by the same defect as sciatica, where the large nerve that runs from the spine to the lower extremities, the sciatic nerve, becomes crushed or damaged.

This causes pain, numbness, or tingling in the buttocks and legs. However, people with piriformis syndrome feel it mainly in the buttocks, especially when climbing stairs or getting up from a chair.

The piriformis is a narrow muscle that runs from the bottom of the spine through the buttocks and to the top of the thighs and is involved in every movement of the leg. The pain can be caused by a problem within the muscle, such as swelling or an injury that then affects the sciatic nerve.

For most, symptoms should resolve within two weeks with simple exercises, rest, and anti-inflammatory pain relievers such as ibuprofen or naproxen.

Unfortunately, for some people the pain continues and specialized physical therapy and stretching is needed.

When pain affects quality of life, it is vital to speak to a primary care physician to properly manage it.

A steroid injection into the area may be an option.

My husband has COPD and has used several different inhalers over the years. However, his condition is worsening. Is there any other medication he can try?

Dr. Ellie answers: COPD (short for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a lung condition often linked to a history of smoking. It is progressive, meaning it gets worse over time.

Patients with moderate to severe COPD will likely receive a dark gray inhaler called Trimbow. This has three medications to reduce inflammation and keep the airways open.

If Trimbow no longer works, it is important to see your GP. They will need to assess exactly how the condition is getting worse. After this, a GP will likely refer you to a respiratory specialist.

One option is physical therapy, which can help improve lung function. Another is oxygen therapy, which involves using a nasal tube or mask at home that delivers additional oxygen to the bloodstream.

It is also important for anyone with COPD to be up to date with their flu, Covid and pneumonia vaccines, as these infections can make the condition worse.

Do you have a stoma story like Mollie’s?

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Traitors star Mollie Pearce, pictured, who has a stoma bag, has been raising awareness about ulcerative colitis, one of the bowel diseases known as inflammatory bowel disease.

This condition attacks and damages the colon. Aside from the annoying digestive problems it causes, patients may suffer from episodes of extreme pain and discomfort.

In Mollie’s case, the disease was so serious that she underwent a stoma operation at the age of 18 and found it enormously positive, as it put an end to her agony. A stoma bypasses the intestine, whether it is damaged or removed, by removing stool from the body through a small, surgically constructed port and placing it in a small, discreet bag.

I love that Mollie, pictured above, is a shining light for others with her condition. But I would also like to hear from my readers who have similar conditions, what are their experiences of living with a stoma?

What are the disadvantages? Are you getting the medical care and support you need? What else can we doctors do?

Use the email address below and let me know.

Fashionable language doesn’t help anyone.

I talk a lot about obesity with my patients and in the media, and I can honestly say that I have never heard the term “overweight people.”

This clumsy phrase is now used in some NHS literature. I understand it’s part of a trend to stop referring to people as “being” their illness; For example, you are not “diabetic”, you are someone who “lives with diabetes.”

Well, it may be, but in the case of “living overweight” it doesn’t make sense to me, and I imagine to most people, which is a problem.

Decent communication and health education depends on us using sensible language that we all understand and that represents the facts, and not making up phrases to satisfy a box that the average patient won’t appreciate.

The creation of this new expression has nothing to do with exact science (or grammar) and will not help patients.

Do you have any questions for Dr. Ellie Cannon? Email DrEllie@mailonsunday.co.uk

Dr. Cannon cannot engage in personal correspondence and her responses should be taken in a general context.

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