Home Australia Runner, 50, who had a double mastectomy following a cancer diagnosis is taking on the London Marathon topless

Runner, 50, who had a double mastectomy following a cancer diagnosis is taking on the London Marathon topless

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Louise Butcher, 50, often runs topless around her Devon village to reduce the stigma around the bodies of breast cancer survivors. This week she is preparing to run the London Marathon.

A mum who had a mastectomy will become the first woman to run the London Marathon topless.

Louise Butcher, 50, often jogs around Braunton, Devon, with her upper half bare to raise awareness about breast cancer and treatment of the disease after undergoing flat closure surgery in 2022.

The charity worker even completed a virtual London Marathon last year, but is now set to run the real marathon today.

Running shirtless has become “the norm” for Louise and she plans to run the entire 42km route around the UK capital shirtless, rain or shine, in a bid to destigmatise her body.

Having previously worked in the music industry, Louise discovered that her self-esteem depended on her appearance, but since her mastectomy, she strives to challenge this beauty standard.

Louise Butcher, 50, often runs topless around her Devon village to reduce the stigma around the bodies of breast cancer survivors. This week she is preparing to run the London Marathon.

The mother of two underwent a mastectomy in 2022 after being diagnosed with lobular breast cancer in April 2022.

The mother of two underwent a mastectomy in 2022 after being diagnosed with lobular breast cancer in April 2022.

She said: “I’m so excited, I can’t imagine it.” I still watch videos of the day from previous years online.

‘I’m just thinking about the atmosphere; I never thought I’d get there.

‘The topless thing is normal for me now; It hasn’t even crossed my mind, not in the slightest.

“I’ve run every race topless for a year. I’m not going to think about that while I run, it’s my norm.

‘I feel much stronger and better for this marathon than the others.

‘I did my 20.5 mile run on Monday and it was amazing and I felt like I could have continued.

‘I still get messages from women that make them feel better. I know it’s the right thing to do.”

Louise was diagnosed with lobular breast cancer in April 2022.

Louise found a lump in her breast by looking for it herself and the diagnosis was later confirmed by an ultrasound.

Louise found a lump in her breast by looking for it herself and the diagnosis was later confirmed by an ultrasound.

Louise previously completed a virtual London marathon

Louise previously completed a virtual London marathon

She herself found a lump in her breast and the diagnosis was confirmed by an ultrasound.

Louise refused to let the diagnosis or radiotherapy treatment stop her from running and hopes to complete her latest challenge in under five hours.

She said: “My goal is four hours and 46 minutes, but with my training I think I’ll be able to do it in 4 hours and 30, but you never know what will happen.”

‘It’s amazing – there is so much awareness about flat closure surgery and the general aspect of women not having to put things back in.

“I don’t think there’s a better way to do it than running topless. On the Breast Cancer Now team, we’re 250 people running.

“I’ve trained a lot in the cold and in the rain, so if it rains I’m used to doing it without my shirt on.”

The London Marathon starts in Blackheath and passes through many of London’s most famous landmarks.

On her reasoning for wanting to run topless, Louise said: “It was so dark in 2022 with cancer, running topless didn’t make me feel brave, I felt like I needed to do it.”

The father has been working hard to train for the notoriously grueling marathon.

The father has been working hard to train for the notoriously grueling marathon.


A double mastectomy is the removal of both breasts.

This is one way to treat breast cancer and is often done in women who are at high risk of the disease coming back after therapy.

The treatment may also be suitable for women who cannot receive radiation therapy, have a tumor larger than 5 cm in diameter, or have a mutation, such as in the BRCA gene, that increases their risk of cancer.

Most women stay in the hospital for one or two nights, but can return to their usual activities in about four weeks.

Side effects may include pain, swelling, blood or fluid collection at the surgery site, limited arm movement, and numbness in the chest or upper arm.

After surgery, some women may want to have the breast mound reconstructed to restore its appearance in breast reconstruction surgery.

Some patients may require other treatment after a mastectomy, such as radiation, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy.

Source: American Cancer Society

“When I first did it, it wasn’t difficult, it just felt a bit weird, but now I don’t blink – it’s who I am now.

‘Before the diagnosis I ran once or twice a week, but six months before I was diagnosed I started training for the virtual marathon and I haven’t stopped since.

‘It’s simply about inspiring women to have a positive attitude towards their bodies, even women who haven’t had breast cancer. We don’t have to feel ashamed.

‘Many women who undergo reconstruction do so because they feel they want to fit in with society and some of them regret it and end up deflated anyway.

“It has opened up the debate and perception of how society views breasts.”

You can support Louise’s fundraiser. here.

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