Home US Fauci is questioned in Congress after confessing that he “made up” COVID rules, including six-foot social distancing and masking guidelines for children.

Fauci is questioned in Congress after confessing that he “made up” COVID rules, including six-foot social distancing and masking guidelines for children.

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Dr. Anthony Fauci testifies before Congress on the COVID pandemic on June 3

Pandemic patriarch Dr. Anthony Fauci became emotional as he detailed death threats against him and his children, while insisting that taxpayer dollars were not used for risky gain-of-function research in China and that he never used personal email for ‘official business’.

His explosive admission came before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which has been seeking for more than a year to determine the origins of the pandemic that killed more than a million Americans and millions more around the world. world.

The fast-paced hearing briefly slowed when Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., asked Fauci about the personal toll his role on the White House Coronavirus Task Force took on him.

“I and my three daughters have received credible death threats, which has led to the arrest of different people,” he said. “Credible death threats mean someone who was clearly on a path to kill.”

“It’s very problematic for me,” he continued. “It’s even more problematic because they involve my wife.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci testifies before Congress on the COVID pandemic on June 3

Fauci said such threats have required his family to have “protective services essentially all the time.”

His prepared remarks, delivered to the committee, also show that he denies funding gan-of-function research.

“The viruses studied under the NIAID-funded EHA subgrant (to the Wuhan Institute of Virology) have never been shown to infect humans, much less cause high transmissibility or significant morbidity and mortality in humans.” , stated his prepared testimony. Apparently he did not hand them over when they were presented to the committee.

“Therefore, your study cannot and does not constitute GoF research,” he continued.

Fauci also sought to distance himself from his now-disgraced former top aide, Dr. David Morens, who conspired to cover up emails from federal transparency laws.

Morens previously testified before the body that he helped coronavirus researcher Dr. Peter Daszak, who had a direct financial interest in coronavirus research in Wuhan, edit press releases for the researchers organization EcoHealth.

“I knew nothing of Dr. Morens’ actions regarding EcoHealth,” Fauci said.

Committee Chairman Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, opened with a salvo questioning Fauci’s conduct during COVID.

“Americans were bullied, shamed, and aggressively silenced for simply questioning or debating issues like social distancing, masks, vaccines, or the origins of COVID,” he said.

“You took the position of presenting ‘the science’ and your words were definitive and infallible on matters related to the pandemic.”

‘You were the highest paid person in the government. This makes you more accountable to people, not less.”

“To succeed, our federal public health institutions must once again be accountable to the people.”

Previously, DailyMail.com revealed that Fauci previously testified before the body that he wasn’t sure where the six-foot social distancing rules came from, telling committee lawyers that the rule “kind of just appeared.”

He also told the attorney that he didn’t remember reading any studies that supported the idea that masks were effective for children.

Speaking to an attorney on behalf of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic earlier this year, Fauci told Republicans that the six-foot social distancing rule “just came out” and that he didn’t remember how it came about. .

‘You know, I don’t remember. “She just showed up,” she said, according to committee transcripts, when asked how the rule came about.

He added that he was “not aware of any studies” supporting social distancing, and admitted that such studies “would be very difficult” to conduct.

In addition to not recalling any evidence supporting social distancing, Fauci also told the committee’s attorney that he did not recall reading anything to support that masking children would prevent COVID.

‘Do you remember reviewing any studies or data that support the use of masks in children?’ They Asked.

1717345746 540 REVEALED Dr Anthony Fauci confesses he made up Covid rules

“I don’t remember,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told the committee when asked where the six-foot social distancing rule came from. “It just showed up.”

When pressed about forced masking of children, Fauci couldn't remember if he read anything that supported the fact that it would prevent disease.

When pressed about forced masking of children, Fauci couldn’t remember if he read anything that supported the fact that it would prevent disease.

“I could have,” he responded before adding, “but I don’t specifically remember doing it.”

The pandemic patriarch also testified that he had not followed up any subsequent studies on the impacts that forced mask-wearing had on children, which have been numerous.

And his response was a tongue-in-cheek COVID-style pun: “I still think that’s up in the air,” Fauci said about whether masking children was a solid way to prevent transmission.

Additionally, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) told the lawyer that he believes the lab leak theory – the idea that COVID began at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) – is a real “possibility.”

“I think people have interpreted this as a conspiracy,” he said, adding that “it could be a lab leak.”

“So I think that in itself is not inherently a conspiracy theory, but some people make things out of it that are a little crazy.”

His admission that COVID may have started at WIV comes four years after he endorsed the publication of a paper that poured cold water on the lab leak theory called the ‘Proximate Origin’ paper.

The former NIAID director gave the committee a suspicious answer about whether he was conducting gain-of-function research.

The former NIAID director gave the committee a suspicious answer about whether he was conducting gain-of-function research.

Former NIAID Director Said Lab Leak Theory Could Be True

Former NIAID Director Said Lab Leak Theory Could Be True

The coronavirus committee has spent months uncovering the origins of the virus that disrupted so many lives and killed 6 million people around the world.

They recently discovered that Fauci’s former top aide, Dr. David Morens, was performing routine work on his personal email account and deleting files to avoid government transparency laws under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

His disregard for FOIA requests was so blatant that he boasted in emails to colleagues that he learned how to make official correspondence “disappear” and that he deleted things he didn’t “want to see in the New York Times.”

Morens’ emails uncovered by the committee further revealed that he bragged about having a “secret channel” with Fauci where he could clandestinely communicate with the former NIAID director.

That revelation so shocked committee Chairman Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, that he demanded Fauci turn over his personal email and phone records to the investigative body.

Also shocking is Fauci’s admission to the committee in January that he “never” examines the grants he approved, some of which total millions of taxpayer dollars.

‘You know, technically, I approve of every piece of advice, but I don’t look at the grants or what they are. “I never look at what grants there are,” he told the committee’s attorney.

Additionally, he said he was “not sure” that foreign labs receiving U.S. grants, such as the WIV, which was studying coronaviruses using U.S. taxpayer dollars at the time the pandemic began, were operating to the same standards as the American laboratories.

Fauci also said that the money he gave as part of the NIAID grant process did not go through any national security reviews.

Former top Fauci aide Dr. David Morens speaks during a House Select Subcommittee hearing on the coronavirus pandemic on Capitol Hill on May 22.

Former top Fauci aide Dr. David Morens speaks during a House Select Subcommittee hearing on the coronavirus pandemic on Capitol Hill on May 22.

Fauci said the money he gives to laboratories abroad is not reviewed for national security reasons

Fauci said the money he gives to laboratories abroad is not reviewed for national security reasons

Additionally, the former director said he was not aware of any conflict of interest among his staff, including his senior advisor, Dr. Morens.

However, Morens testified before the committee on May 22 that he helped his “best friend,” EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak, with his nonprofit’s work.

Morens said he helped edit EcoHealth press releases and worked to restore grant funding for the nonprofit after its funding was terminated in the wake of the COVID outbreak in 2020.

NIH, which employs Morens, funded Daszak’s EcoHealth to the tune of millions of dollars.

Still, Fauci said he was not aware of Morens having any conflict of interest.

The committee will surely seek to clarify Fauci and Moren’s ‘secret channel of communication’ during the June 3 hearing.

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