Home US Tomorrow the planets align. Here a top astrologer reveals what it means to YOU: from your finances to your sex life.

Tomorrow the planets align. Here a top astrologer reveals what it means to YOU: from your finances to your sex life.

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A rare 'parade of planets' will take place today in which six (Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune and Saturn) will appear lined up in the sky like dominoes.

Astrologers and astronomers alike have seen some unusual celestial displays this year, from the pinks and purples of the Northern Lights to the solar eclipse witnessed in the US.

And today, a rare ‘parade of planets’ in which six (Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune and Saturn) will appear lined up in the sky like dominoes.

Of course, they won’t actually create a perfectly straight line in space; What happens is that they are on the same side of the sun and the elliptical shapes of their orbits mean that they appear to be aligned with respect to the Earth. Still, it’s a significant moment for anyone watching the skies. This is what June’s planetary parade means to you…

A rare ‘parade of planets’ will take place today in which six (Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune and Saturn) will appear lined up in the sky like dominoes.


Face your fears and transform your finances.

The planet of optimism, Jupiter, has moved into an area that will begin to affect you psychologically and wherever Jupiter goes, good luck will follow. Make the rest of the year a “glass half full” time, sit back and wait for something special: a new romantic interest, job, or opportunity.

Responsible taskmaster Saturn is telling you to face your fears and overcome them. A regular meditation practice could change your life this month by focusing your energy on ambition and rewards. The strongest changes have to do with cash, property and possessions. It is not an exaggeration to say that he could have a change of fortune.


Get rid of toxic friends and enjoy a happier social life.

With Venus joining Jupiter in your sign, a period of good fortune is on the horizon. That goes for finances and friends. But beware, with Mars entering your sign for the first time in two years, you might be in the mood to argue! If you have a toxic relationship in your life, you will have to face it head on.

Be careful what you wish for when it comes to making big changes elsewhere. Watch the skies to see how the planets slowly move into alignment. Change the way the world sees you with an equally gradual but momentous reinvention.


Forget this week or this month – this could be your lucky year!

As the planets align, you’re the one with Jupiter’s luck in your sign: It’ll stay in Gemini until the middle of next year and then won’t return for another decade. Channel this energy to be as optimistic as you can.

Professionally, if you accept well-intentioned criticism, you can solidify your position and advance from strength to strength. But if you close your mind and get offended, problems can arise. The heavens are literally aligning for you and it’s a great time to take the kind of leap that might have once scared you.


Expect changes in your friend group.

Saturn’s position in your horoscope means you’re in the mood to learn and grow, perhaps in the form of higher education or trying out a new skill. The new people who come into your life at this time will help you free yourself from the past so you can evolve as a person.

Lean into exploring things like the power of positive thinking: start a vision board or journal to help you determine where you want to be in six months.


Enjoy being the most popular person in the room.

With six planets on the same side of the sun, which Leo represents, you will be very popular this month!

But there are also lessons to learn in the area of ​​your finances and your sex life. If things are a little tough financially right now, don’t despair. Hunker down and wait for better times.

Sexually, it’s a similar lesson: it may seem like it’s a little lacking right now, but it won’t last forever. Put on your gay rags, accept those party invitations, and hope for an improvement.

1717377819 303 Tomorrow the planets align Here a top astrologer reveals what


Embrace professional ambition and see the world differently.

The influence of the planet of growth and prosperity, Jupiter, will mean new opportunities for you under this celestial parade.

Relationships, both personal and professional, may seem a little thankless right now, but persevere because gratitude will come at some point. There’s a fine line between being a doormat and getting rid of an ungrateful person too quickly—Virgo is very good at determining where that line lies.

The way you see the world could change dramatically until the middle of next year, perhaps because a sudden event teaches you to look at it differently.


Expect the unexpected for a better sex life.

Imaginative and experimental Uranus is a great influence on both your sex life and your financial life.

If you’re dating, try to broaden your parameters and go for someone you never thought you’d be compatible with.

When it comes to money, don’t rule out new ideas or projects out of hand. If life feels a little heavy right now, the planets will shake it up soon, bringing a more creative approach to life and even a period of upheaval. The more you can adopt an attitude of “lifelong learning,” the happier you will be.


Make time for romance, but you must make the effort.

No matter how long it’s been since you felt young and in the mood for romance, you can meet someone new or relive something old. Both are in play for you with this lucky alignment.

Accept that you have to work on it when it comes to romance and sex, as well as your relationship with children. Make that phone call, go see that grandchild, make time for romance, and life will reward you.

Relationships will be abuzz with changes during this planetary parade. The more you realize that the most important people in your life are constantly changing, the happier you will be.


Welcome to a change in your relationships.

If you’re single, this is an amazing time to meet someone new. If you are happily attached, your relationship will continue to evolve in a supportive way. If you’re not happily attached, now is a good time to make a bid for freedom.

If a family member or someone you live with is bothering you, it’s worth taking the time to look inward to see what lesson you can learn. You’ll find it difficult to get into anything resembling a routine as this planetary parade goes on, but that’s not a bad thing.


Wait for a bolt from the blue and discipline yourself.

If life has been a little difficult lately, the Jupiter/Pluto alignment that is part of this month’s planetary parade should help. Don’t expect massive changes, but rather small adjustments in your daily life that make you feel happier.

Your greatest lesson under current planetary configurations is that thinking positively improves life. Discipline yourself to not always expect the worst.

You may see more romance, more creativity, or even the arrival of more children in your family.


Luck is on your side, so take risks, but not too many.

Please don’t take this forecast as a reason to bet too much, but you really do have luck on your side right now. The danger is that you take too many risks because you can feel it. Calmly!

Romance, creative projects, and anything to do with children (yours or someone else’s) are all well and good right now, but you’ll learn more over the next few weeks on matters involving cash, property and possessions. Make sure you have a financial plan in place and then go out and have fun.

Major changes are predicted on the home front. This is part of a long-term cycle so you may have already experienced them, but there will definitely be ups and downs in this part of your life.


Change your thoughts, change your life.

This period of your life seems challenging, but your personal life is improving and a better summer is on the horizon.

With Saturn in your sign, there are lessons for you in this planetary parade everywhere. Take time to dig deeper into events or conversations after they’ve happened to discover what they’re telling you.

You may be afraid to scratch the surface like this, but don’t let fear stop you. Simply thinking about them differently (reframing them or understanding why you acted the way you did) can make a big difference in your life.

■ If you want to know more about your zodiac sign, go to moonmessages.com/freechart © Yasmin Boland 2024

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