Home Tech This hacker tool extracts all the data collected by the new Windows recall AI

This hacker tool extracts all the data collected by the new Windows recall AI

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This hacker tool extracts all the data collected by the new Windows recall AI

Hagenah says an attacker could obtain a lot of information about their target, including information about their emails, personal conversations, and any sensitive information captured by Recall.

Hagenah’s work is based on the findings of cybersecurity researcher Kevin Beaumont, who has detail how much information the recovery captures and how easy it can be to extract it. Beaumont also says that he has created a website where you can upload a Recall database and perform searches instantly. He says he hasn’t published the site yet to give Microsoft time to potentially change the system. “InfoStealer Trojans, which automatically steal usernames and passwords, have been a major problem for over a decade; they can now be easily modified to support Recall,” Beaumont writes.

The criticism comes as attacks on Microsoft systems have led to several US government data breaches; Nadella has said that security should be Microsoft’s “top priority”.” Microsoft did not respond to WIRED’s request for comment on Recall’s security features at the time of publication.

Remove privacy pages They say it’s possible to disable screenshot saving (effectively disabling recovery), temporarily pause the system, filter the apps where screenshots are taken, and delete what’s collected at any time. Recall runs on the laptop itself, stores the data it captures on the device, and does not send this information to Microsoft servers. Hagenah says this claim appears to be true, and there is no sign of data being sent to Microsoft.

Microsoft is at least aware of some of the potential privacy and security issues with Recall: Its help pages say that the system does not perform any content moderation on the images it saves. This means, Microsoft says in the guide, that it won’t “hide information like passwords or financial account numbers.” Security researchers have already been able extract passwords from Recall.

The main Recall database is stored in the laptop’s system directory, and while you need administrator rights to access it, privilege escalation attacks have been around for years, making it theoretically possible for an attacker to gain access. to a device remotely.

Hagenah says that in cases of employers with “bring your own devices” policies, there is a risk of someone leaving with large volumes of company data stored on their laptops. That’s a particular risk if they’re unhappy or leaving on bad terms, she says. The UK data protection regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office, has asked Microsoft to provide more details about Recall and your privacy.

While Recall remains a “preview” feature and, according to Microsoft small print, could change before its release, Beaumont writes in his research that the company “should retire Recall and rework it to be the feature it deserves to be, delivered at a later date.” He adds: “They also need to review the internal decision-making that led to this situation, as this type of thing should not happen.”

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