Home US Sylvester Stallone’s eldest daughters reveal how overprotective movie star hired NAVY SEALs to train them in self defense before moving to crime-plagued NYC

Sylvester Stallone’s eldest daughters reveal how overprotective movie star hired NAVY SEALs to train them in self defense before moving to crime-plagued NYC

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Sylvester Stallone is being an overprotective father by going so far as to hire Navy SEALs to provide self-defense training to his grown daughters before they move to crime-ridden New York City. Pictured from left to right: Sylvester Stallone, Sistine Stallone, Scarlet Stallone, Sophia Stallone and Stallone's wife, Jennifer Flavin.

Sylvester Stallone has taken the title of overprotective father to the next level by hiring Navy SEALs to provide self-defense training to his eldest daughters before they moved to crime-plagued New York City.

Concerned for the safety of his daughters, Sophia, 27, and Sistine, 25, the movie star had to take extra measures by organizing a “military-style self-defense training” lesson for them.

‘It was the most difficult. We were in that forest for about six hours,” Sistine told the New York Post before the premiere of the second season of ‘The Family Stallone’.

These guys beat up Sophia and me. “They were authentic,” she continued, adding that the workout was filmed for the family’s reality show.

Sophie and Sistine made the Big Apple their new home in March 2023, despite the presence of mobile criminals on the streets and the skyrocketing of violent crime in the city.

Sylvester Stallone is being an overprotective father by going so far as to hire Navy SEALs to provide self-defense training to his grown daughters before they move to crime-ridden New York City. Pictured from left to right: Sylvester Stallone, Sistine Stallone, Scarlet Stallone, Sophia Stallone and Stallone’s wife, Jennifer Flavin.

Concerned for the safety of his daughters, Sophia, 27, and Sistine, 25, the movie star had to take additional measures, including organizing a lesson in

Concerned for the safety of his daughters, Sophia, 27, and Sistine, 25, the movie star had to take extra measures, including organizing a “military-style self-defense training” lesson for them.



Sophie (left) and Sistine (right) made the Big Apple their new home in March 2023, despite the presence of roving criminals on the streets and rising rates of violent crime in the city.

Sophie and Sistine were even tasked with chasing chickens, reminiscent of a scene from the 1979 film ‘Rocky II’ starring Stallone.

The 77-year-old actor explained: ‘Chasing a chicken seems like a fun game. You have to have speed, patience, agility and understand that something that weighs three kilos and has a beak is going to beat you.’

Sistine said: ‘That’s deceptively difficult. I went in there a little cocky, no pun intended. The chicken won me over.

The 25-year-old model said the camera footage looked “really nice and kind of fluffy” but that the training session was incredibly difficult.

He added, “I’m not surprised my dad put us through something like this because our whole lives we grew up with him doing this kind of military-style self-defense training.”

The sisters recalled that their upbringing involved a rigorous morning routine, which included waking up at 6 a.m. every day.

Sophie said: “He made us eat eggs and ketchup, for some reason that combination was like an elite combination.”

“There were a lot of sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, clean and jerk, golf, pool table, shot put…” he added.

“They were the perfect guys,” Sistine chimed in and laughed.

Sophie (pictured) and Sistine were even tasked with chasing chickens, reminiscent of a scene from the 1979 film 'Rocky II' starring Stallone.

Sophie (pictured) and Sistine were even tasked with chasing chickens, reminiscent of a scene from the 1979 film ‘Rocky II’ starring Stallone.

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“I don’t think he’s ever less nervous. He’s like a classic, overprotective dad. Three daughters at an age where, you know, we’re all over the place and we’re out of the house,” Sistine (pictured) said.

Sistine added:

Sistine added, “I’m not surprised my dad put us through something like this because our whole lives we grew up with him doing this kind of military-style self-defense training.”

Sophie and Sistine have lived in the city for a year, but Stallone couldn’t be less worried about their safety.

“I don’t think he’s ever less nervous. He’s like a classic, overprotective father. Three daughters at an age where, you know, we’re all over the place and we’re out and about,” Sistine said.

The actor’s concerns are valid, considering that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has reduced a staggering 60 percent of felony cases to misdemeanor charges in the last year.

The soft-on-crime district attorney has also declined to prosecute 14 percent of all arrests, compared to just nine percent in 2021, when his predecessor was last in office.

Bragg has been criticized for his soft-on-crime policies, which include asking prosecutors to drop felony armed robbery charges and instead charge suspects with petty theft and not seek prison sentences for the criminals.

It comes amid fury over criminals being allowed to roam the streets of the Big Apple, which continues to be rocked by a wave of violent crime.

Amid tens of thousands of immigrants arriving at its borders, the latest incident involves immigrants brutally assaulting two police officers in Times Square last month.

Amid tens of thousands of immigrants arriving at its borders, the latest incident involves immigrants brutally assaulting two police officers in Times Square last month.

Yohenry Brito was at the center of the melee, which began when he resisted arrest, according to the NYPD.

Yohenry Brito was at the center of the melee, which began when he resisted arrest, according to the NYPD.

Crime in New York City has decreased 0.032 percent since before the pandemic, but the decrease is not enough for many who feel unsafe in Manhattan.

Amid tens of thousands of migrants arriving at its borders, the latest incident involves migrants brutally attacking two police officers in Times Square last month.

Five immigrants accused of assaulting two NYPD officers in Times Square last month pleaded not guilty in a Manhattan court on Friday.

Yohenry Brito, 24, Yorman Reverón, 24, Kelvin Servita Arocha, 19, Darwin Andrés Gómez-Izquiel, 19, and Wilson Juárez, 21, were sent to Rikers Island to await trial after being arraigned .

All face charges of second-degree assault and obstruction of government administration, except Juarez, who is accused of tampering with evidence and hindering prosecution. They are all due back in court on April 13.

A total of eight immigrants have been charged, while police are still searching for at least eight other suspects they believe were involved in the melee.

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