Home INDIA Send Message To Centre On Article 370: Omar Abdullah To Kashmiris Before Polls

Send Message To Centre On Article 370: Omar Abdullah To Kashmiris Before Polls

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Send a message to the Center on Article 370: Omar Abdullah to Kashmir before elections

“We are not the ones who incite youths to pelt stones and disrupt peace.”

In a bid to showcase the upcoming Lok Sabha polls on the BJP-led Central government’s decision to abrogate Article 370 and downgrade Jammu and Kashmir to the status of a Union territory, senior leader of the National Conference and former Prime Minister Omar Abdullah asked people not to vote for his party if they are happy with the move.

“In this election, we only have to answer one question: whether the decision taken on August 5, 2019 was right or wrong,” Abdullah said.

At a meeting of his party workers on Wednesday, the National Conference leader – who was in custody for over 200 days following the abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution, which granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir – said: “Do not vote for the National Conference if you believe the decision was right. Don’t vote for us if this decision has changed your life for the better.’

Mr Abdullah stated that people should send a message through their vote that the decision is not acceptable to them, adding: “Vote for us if you feel cheated and there is a sense of injustice after August 5 2019”.

The Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act of 2019 also bifurcated the erstwhile state and demarcated the Union Territory of Ladakh. Ladakh is now witnessing protests for statehood and constitutional guarantees, for jobs, land and other privileges under the Sixth Schedule, which were earlier protected under Article 370.

Mr Abdullah asked his fellow party members that they can send a message only through their votes and not by resorting to protests or disrupting law and order.

“We are not the ones who incite youths to pelt stones and disrupt peace. We are the people who sacrificed lives for maintaining peace,” Mr Abdullah said.

The National Conference is contesting three seats in Srinagar, Baramulla and Anantnag, leaving two seats to the Congress in Jammu.

The PDP, which is also part of the INDIA bloc, has announced it will go solo and blamed NC for not leaving any option for the party to contest the elections in alliance. The PDP demanded that NC vacate Anantnag seat for the party where Mehbooba Mufti is likely to contest.

Jammu and Kashmir will vote in the Lok Sabha in five phases starting from April 19 and ending on May 20. The results will be announced on June 4.

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