Home INDIA Police Officer Dies In Shootout At Jammu And Kashmir Hospital

Police Officer Dies In Shootout At Jammu And Kashmir Hospital

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Police Officer Dies In Shootout At Jammu And Kashmir Hospital


The shooting took place at the Government Medical College in Kathua


A gangster was shot and a police officer died of injuries during a gunfight at the Government Medical College in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kathua, police said. Sub-inspector Deepak Sharma was seriously injured after an encounter with gangsters on the medical college premises last night. A special police officer was also injured in the encounter.

According to reports, members of a gang known as Shunoo Group, allegedly led by one Vasudev, were chased by a police team. The gangsters drove their car into the medical college campus where police cornered them.

In the encounter that followed, a gangster was shot. Sub-inspector Sharma was seriously injured after receiving a bullet wound on this head. After preliminary care at Kathua, the injured officer was shifted to Pathankot in Punjab. He died this morning, officials said.

Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha paid tribute to the officer. “I salute the bravery and indomitable courage of PSI Deepak Sharma, who made the supreme sacrifice while bravely fighting and neutralizing a most wanted gangster in Kathua. His supreme sacrifice will remain etched in our hearts. Deepest condolences to the family of martyr Deepak Sharma,” he said.

Mr Sinha said every drop of the fallen officer’s blood will be avenged. “The nation stands in solidarity with the martyr’s family and @JmuKmrPolice, whose dedication, resilience and courage in the fight against various challenges and adversaries continue to inspire us. Every drop of our martyr’s blood will be avenged and we are committed to creating a fear-free J&K,” he said.

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