Home Australia How un-ewe-sual! Sheep gives birth to rare lamb twins born different colours leaving the owners of the adorable black and white duo baffled

How un-ewe-sual! Sheep gives birth to rare lamb twins born different colours leaving the owners of the adorable black and white duo baffled

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Holly Simpson, 16 (left) holding Masie and Elizabeth Rixon, 14 (right) holding Freddie
  • The male lamb is born with black wool while the female is white.



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A sheep gave birth to twin lambs of completely different colors, leaving people perplexed.

Tracey Simpson went to bed on Saturday night knowing one of her sheep was due to give birth any minute on their farm in Wem, Shropshire.

But she was shocked to find that the two lambs in the field the next morning were completely different colors.

The male sheep is born with black wool while the female is white.

Mrs Simpson said the ewe of the two lambs was a white Shropshire cross and the ram a white Ryeland, so it is a mystery how they turned out to be so different.

Holly Simpson, 16 (left) holding Masie and Elizabeth Rixon, 14 (right) holding Freddie

Holly Simpson, 16 (left) holding Masie and Elizabeth Rixon, 14 (right) holding Freddie

Rare black and white twin lambs born in Wem, Shropshire

Rare black and white twin lambs born in Wem, Shropshire

Rare black and white twin lambs born in Wem, Shropshire

The family have since named the adorable new editions to their smallholding Freddie and Maisie.

Ms Simpson said: “I just thought they were cute. It wasn’t until my mother told me how rare they were that I realized how special they were.

“When this happens in wildlife parks, the number of visitors often increases and I’m not surprised because they are very cute.”

Sheep born different colors from the same mother is a very rare phenomenon, according to the National Sheep Association.

Sheep born of different colors from the same mother is a very rare phenomenon.

Sheep born of different colors from the same mother is a very rare phenomenon.

Sheep born of different colors from the same mother is a very rare phenomenon.

The ewe of the two lambs was a white Shropshire cross and the ram a white Ryeland

The ewe of the two lambs was a white Shropshire cross and the ram a white Ryeland

The ewe of the two lambs was a white Shropshire cross and the ram a white Ryeland

And while the future looks bright for Maisie, Freddie may not be coping so well, which has upset his daughter Holly Simpson and her best friend Bessy Rixon, both 16.

Ms added: “We currently have nine ewes and six lambs on the farm.

“We always keep the female lambs for breeding, but unfortunately we have to send the males to the slaughterhouse.

“The girls have already protested and I have a feeling Freddie might be staying with us for a while longer.”

How rare are black and white lamb twins?

How rare are black and white lamb twins?

Sheep normally produce one lamb per birth, while twins or triplets are rare.

So having twins with completely different colors is even rarer.

However, there have been other cases of lamb twins being born with completely different colors.

In April 2019, a black and white sibling pair were born at the East Links family park in Dunbar, East Lothian.

Additionally, in April 2019, a pair of black and white lambs were born at Whitehouse Farm in Morpeth, Northumberland.

Most modern domestic sheep grow white wool because it is more commercial as it can be dyed any color.

But sheep can come in many different colors, including gray, silver, red, and moorit (brown).

It is not uncommon for black or colored lambs to be born into a white flock from white parents.

But for this to happen, both parents of the lamb must carry a gene corresponding to this color.

Different genes control the color of the fleece and its pattern.

Color genetics are also different depending on the breed.

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