Home Australia How to be a better parent by understanding your child’s zodiac sign. A renowned astrologer reveals their strengths… and what to look out for

How to be a better parent by understanding your child’s zodiac sign. A renowned astrologer reveals their strengths… and what to look out for

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Learn techniques to boost your child's creativity and self-confidence based on their zodiac sign.

In astrology, each zodiac sign is associated with distinct personality traits. Our zodiac signs offer fascinating insights into how our personalities are wired, where we naturally shine, and what areas we need to work on.

Some of us rely on our zodiac sign to guide us toward love, while others turn to astrology to decide what vacation to book next (fire signs like Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius will be more inclined to adventure) or to reach our career and financial goals.

For parents, this can be helpful because taking into account your child’s zodiac sign can influence how you care for them. Read on to discover the parenting style that complements their unique characteristics, according to astrology.

Learn techniques to boost your child’s creativity and self-confidence based on their zodiac sign.

The Aries child

March 21 – April 19

Although it is the first sign and has a bit of a temper, the Aries archetype wants to be cared for and wants to care for others.

They are natural leaders and entrepreneurs, so they will often have ideas that they want to put into practice right away. The best way to help them develop their potential is to allow them to be creative, try different things and keep them active.

The Aries child wants to be the best, to be number one, but tends to punish himself if he fails. It is important to trust his intuition and impulses, and create an environment where he can fail without being judged.

The Taurus Child

April 20 – May 20

The Taurus child is very rational (his favorite subject is probably math) but he has a natural artistic side that also needs to be stimulated.

Often this trait is only discovered later, so parents want to be ahead of the game and give them the tools to develop their creativity in their own way.

Food is important, but the Taurus archetype is headstrong, so allow him to explore at his own pace. Don’t worry if he sticks to mashed potatoes and sausages for a while. As he grows, his curiosity will be triggered and his taste buds will evolve naturally.

The Gemini Child

May 21 – June 21

Like Aries, the Gemini archetype is the type that procrastinates; they tend to be self-critical, fussy, and may even abandon a project before it begins.

They can be a bit absent-minded, which can work against them, so the most important thing a parent can teach them is the art of consistency – showing them that they are capable of pursuing a new hobby for six months, whether it’s an hour a day or an hour a week.

The Cancer Child

June 22 – July 22

Cancers don’t like to be sensitive, but they are extremely sensitive; they also have a natural sense of adventure, but they like to stay in their comfort zone. These small contradictions indicate that it is important to provide the Cancer child with comfort and stability.

If they’re feeling blue, take them to see a place or person that brings back good memories (maybe their favorite park, or their grandma or grandpa) and they’ll open up again.

The Cancer archetype also needs to learn the art of trust. It is a very intuitive sign, so it is worth it for you as a parent to listen to them without judging or reacting, and to tell them your little behind-the-scenes details (definitely not in front of them, because they will never forget it).

Leo the boy

July 23 – August 22

The Leo archetype is flamboyant; they want to shine and be the center of attention; but they are also loyal and really want to be accepted.

They will develop a tendency to please others from a young age, so it is important to help them develop real self-confidence and show them that they should not worry about what others say or be too loyal to certain groups of friends. Allow them to expand their worlds and explore new hobbies and people.

Like all fire signs, Leos also tend to be intuitive, so trust them. If they say something that doesn’t seem right to you, don’t put it off and investigate it.

The Virgo Child

August 23 – September 22

The Virgo child believes in being perfect, responsible and obedient, which can lead to anxiety and overthinking.

Relieve their stress by taking some responsibilities off their shoulders (just because they want to carry that heavy bag doesn’t mean they should) and give them a healthy coping mechanism. Practicing breathing exercises and yoga from an early age will help them ease their nervous system and get out of their own thoughts.

The Libra Child

September 23 – October 23

A Libra child really wants to please, wants to be liked, wants to be loved, and wants to look pretty, but he could use a few more qualities from Aries: allow him to express his anger, for example, even if you’re used to him being a good boy or a good girl.

This will help them cultivate a real sense of self-confidence.

Libras could also benefit from being more assertive from the start. They have to learn to stand by what they say, to not feel insecure about their answers, even if they turn out to be wrong; there’s no pressure to be right all the time.

The Scorpio Child

October 24 – November 21

The Scorpio archetype is very observant, interested in understanding everything, but there is great value in not putting too much burden on their shoulders.

The best thing a parent can teach their Scorpio child is the art of simplicity: they don’t need to know every detail, whether it’s a secret within the family or something bigger going on in the world.

If you want to help them understand, create a space where they can safely figure it out on their own and make sure they go back to their routine afterwards, so they know it doesn’t have to absorb them and mark them for the rest of their lives.

The Sagittarius Child

November 22 – December 21

As the last fire sign, the Sagittarius archetype is almost a combination of Aries and Leo.

There’s really no way of knowing where they’re going to go – they might become lawyers, artists or priests. But they have this desire to know everything on a global level and understand things in a broader way.

Whenever possible, take them on trips, teach them about different cultures, help them explore their sense of adventure, or even get them a dog.

Because the Sagittarius child is so fiery and outgoing, we don’t always see their intelligence right away. Giving them a structure where they can read a book a week will really help them tap into (and thrive in) their natural self.

The Capricorn Child

December 22 – January 19

Just like the Virgo child, don’t put too many responsibilities on the Capricorn child. Because they are so aware of society, authority, school, and what is expected of them, they tend to mature faster, but this isn’t always the best trait to celebrate.

Instead, let them live their childhood for as long as possible, almost forcing them to be young.

The Aquarius child

January 20 – February 18

As the archetype who will feel the transformation into adulthood the most, the Aquarius child has a very clear vision of the future and it is essential to cultivate his interest in the latest technologies and gadgets.

They’ll want to know about anything they consider unconventional, so even if you don’t have all the answers, sit down with them and figure it out together. Or sign them up for those incubation workshops for kids where they create their own software themselves.

The Pisces Child

February 19 – March 20

The Pisces child is very sensitive, but also very ambitious. He doesn’t need help to dream big, believe that everything is possible or romanticize life (he already does all that), but he does need discipline.

A daily checklist or routine will keep them from feeling overwhelmed and stuck in their head and dreams, and will allow them to fantasize and get lost in music in a focused way. If not provided with this focused environment early on, Pisces will tend to float around later in life.

Noura Bourni is an astrologer, writer and esoteric researcher. Find her at nourabourni.com and on Instagram @nourabourni.

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