Home Australia A bully who beat up his girlfriend suffers instant karma when onlookers give him a taste of his own medicine and leave him with a massive black eye.

A bully who beat up his girlfriend suffers instant karma when onlookers give him a taste of his own medicine and leave him with a massive black eye.

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Ryan Parker, 32, repeatedly punched his terrified girlfriend during an assault earlier this year but was brutally beaten minutes later and knocked unconscious by others at the scene.

A violent stalker who repeatedly punched his terrified girlfriend was left with a black eye after being attacked by others at the venue.

Ryan Parker had been drinking “excessively” at the pub before turning up at the woman’s home, where he berated her with insults, including telling her she deserved to die and that she was a waste of space.

The 32-year-old man, who had been in a relationship for around 14 years, became violent towards his partner, throwing her to the ground after slapping her and brutally punching her in the face.

As Parker continued to kick the woman while she was on the ground, onlookers attacked him, punching him and knocking him unconscious.

The abusive boyfriend was left with a black eye, a fractured eye socket and a broken cheekbone during the incident and was jailed for 20 months for the assault on July 28 this year, Hull Crown Court heard.

Ryan Parker, 32, repeatedly punched his terrified girlfriend during an assault earlier this year but was brutally beaten minutes later and knocked unconscious by others at the scene.

Parker, of Portobello Street, near Holderness Road, east Hull, admitted assaulting the woman causing her actual bodily harm, possessing a knife and using threatening words or behaviour.

Oliver Shipley, prosecuting, said Parker and the woman had been in a relationship for about 14 years at the time, but it was turbulent and worsened over time. He came home angry and aggressive after playing darts in a pub.

Parker insulted her, even telling her that she deserved to die and that she was a waste of space. He brutally attacked her and slapped her in the face so hard that she fell to the ground.

Parker continued to punch and kick her in the face, head and body, causing swelling and bruising. The front door of the house was open and Parker threatened anyone who tried to enter.

“The defendant threatened anyone who tried to help him,” Shipley said.

“Eventually, the woman managed to get out of the gate of the property and into the street, where she screamed for help. The defendant continued his behaviour in the street while in possession of a knife.”

Parker assaulted a neighbor who tried to help him and had the knife in his hand. Parker returned to the house and was arrested by armed officers.

During police questioning, he did not answer any questions. He had no criminal record.

The abusive boyfriend was left with a black eye, a fractured eye socket and a broken cheekbone during the incident and was jailed for 20 months for the assault on July 28 this year, Hull Crown Court heard (pictured).

The abusive boyfriend was left with a black eye, a fractured eye socket and a broken cheekbone during the incident and was jailed for 20 months for the assault on July 28 this year, Hull Crown Court heard (pictured).

The woman later said she feared for her life and was worried about her children’s lives.

“I don’t want Parker anywhere near my property or my children,” she said. “I’m really devastated and shocked by this whole situation.”

Ben Hammersley, mitigating, said Parker suffered injuries in the incident after others attacked him. “He suffered a fracture to his eye socket and cheekbone,” Hammersley said.

Parker was treated by paramedics at the scene and taken to hospital. He was left with a scar near his eye.

“When he came to after being knocked unconscious, he feared he was still being attacked,” Hammersley said.

Parker was alleged to have attacked the woman on one occasion and to have acted uncharacteristically. “It was an isolated incident,” Hammersley said. “He has no desire to contact her.”

Parker had been detained for just over a month, but had previously been working full-time.

Associate Circuit Judge Timothy Clayson told Parker: “You began abusing her before becoming violent. She described you slapping her, pushing her and trying to force her out the door, during which she fell to the ground.

‘He described violence to his face, with numerous punches. All of this was clearly fuelled by excess alcohol. It was a sustained assault. This is a very serious matter.’

“The crimes committed in this case are so serious that only immediate arrest is appropriate. The presentation of this knife posed a serious risk of public disorder.”

Parker was jailed for 20 months and given a six-year restraining order.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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