Home Life Style How to make your garden a haven for hedgehogs – gardening experts reveal top 5 tips to attract the creature that will get rid of pests feeding on your plants

How to make your garden a haven for hedgehogs – gardening experts reveal top 5 tips to attract the creature that will get rid of pests feeding on your plants

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These are the five things you should do to make your home hedgehog-friendly. In the photo: Archive image of a European hedgehog.

Making gardens not only beautiful but also a safe haven for wildlife has become a priority for many green-fingered Brits.

One such welcome creature is the humble hedgehog, which is great for getting rid of garden pests like beetles, caterpillars and other invertebrates that like to feast on plants.

However, unfortunately the number of this spiny mammal has decreased drastically in recent years.

Leading gardening brand Gardman has shared its top tips on how to make your garden a welcoming space for these adorable animals.

With Hedgehog Awareness Week taking place between Sunday 5 May and Saturday 11 May, here are five things you should do to make your space welcoming to these spiky visitors.

These are the five things you should do to make your home hedgehog-friendly. In the photo: Archive image of a European hedgehog.

Create a gap in your garden fence for hedgehogs to pass through

As many modern gardens are often surrounded by high fences, creating a 13cm x 13cm gap at the bottom of the fence allows easy passage between neighboring gardens, known as hedgehog highways.

To ensure that hedgehogs do not get caught on thorns when moving from one garden to another, you should always keep the area free of netting and plant growth.

Offer them a safe and comfortable home.

If you have access to logs and dry leaves, you can create a cozy shelter for hedgehogs, but if you don’t have an abundant supply, a hedgehog house will make the perfect accommodation.

Some hedgehog houses are built with a rust-resistant steel frame and covered with a natural camouflage finish, allowing them to blend nicely into the natural surroundings of your garden.

Always keep plenty of fresh water.

Hydration is a must for hedgehogs, so make sure there are plenty of clean, shallow water containers available in the garden.

Gardman advises refilling them periodically, especially during hot periods.

They also note that adding stones and slate to the water creates landing spots for birds, butterflies and bees, so they may also stop for a drink.

Running from Sunday 5 May to Saturday 11 May, National Hedgehog Week is organized by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS). In the photo: Archive image of a young hedgehog on a piece of wood.

Running from Sunday 5 May to Saturday 11 May, National Hedgehog Week is organized by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS). In the photo: Archive image of a young hedgehog on a piece of wood.

Maintain a good supply of quality foods.

Many people think that milk is a good food source for hedgehogs, but it actually upsets their stomach.

Gardman Hedgehog Bites have been created with the essential vitamins and minerals that hedgehogs need.

These tasty, energy-packed bites complement the natural foods you’ll find in your garden. Food can be placed on the floor or in a dedicated feeding tray.

Make your garden safe for your hedgehog visitors

Ponds provide wonderful habitat for wildlife, but should always have an escape route, such as a ramp or series of semi-submerged ledges, that allows easy exit.

Following these simple tips will make your gardens a much more welcoming place for these lovely creatures.

Running from Sunday 5 May to Saturday 11 May, National Hedgehog Week is organized by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS).

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