Home Australia Woman fires back at trolls who branded her a ‘slave’ for staying home when her husband goes to work

Woman fires back at trolls who branded her a ‘slave’ for staying home when her husband goes to work

A tradwife who never leaves the house when her husband is working has responded to trolls who have called her a

A woman who never leaves the house when her husband is at work has hit back at trolls who branded her a “slave”.

Grace and Bradley married in 2014 and have been adapting traditional gender roles ever since.

Bradley is the main breadwinner for the family, while the mother of four spends her days cooking, cleaning and raising the children.

Traditional wives, which refer to women who choose to live a traditional life in which they spend their days cooking, cleaning, wearing modest clothing, and being submissive to their husbands, have become increasingly popular lately as many women are becoming to traditional roles. of housewives, practiced in the fifties and sixties.

Grace, who does everything from choosing clothes for her husband before work to looking after her children alone, revealed that she gave up her dream of being a teacher to become a drag wife, admitting it gives her “freedom”.

A tradwife who never leaves the house when her husband is working has responded to trolls who have branded her a “slave”

Grace and Bradley married in 2014 and have been adapting to traditional gender roles ever since.

Grace and Bradley married in 2014 and have been adapting to traditional gender roles ever since.

“We believe in traditional gender rules,” the couple said while speaking with Really.

Grace explained that, for her, being a cross-wife means that she has to put her family’s needs and desires before her own.

When asked about a typical day in her life, Grace joked, “I mean (Bradley) isn’t here for a long time.”

On a typical day, Grace wakes up before her husband, gets ready and chooses his clothes for work because “it’s the least” she can do for him.

While Bradley works, Grace homeschools her children, cooks, and cleans the house.

When her husband returns, Grace continues to take care of the children alone.

Bradley explained: ‘My role is as primary breadwinner. I go out, I work, I bring home the bacon so to speak and I give my salary to her, figuratively, of course,

“She does all the bills and buys the food.”

Bradley is the main breadwinner for the family, while the mother of four spends her days cooking, cleaning and raising the children.

Bradley is the main breadwinner for the family, while the mother of four spends her days cooking, cleaning and raising the children.

Despite feeling that their way of life is happy and healthy, the couple admitted that they often face an avalanche of criticism.

Despite feeling that their way of life is happy and healthy, the couple admitted that they often face an avalanche of criticism.

The couple has four children ranging in age from eight to 16 months and, when they were young, their children know that their mother is in charge of the housework.

His son, Leo, noted that his father “doesn’t cook” when asked who the best chef in the family was.

The key to a happy life? What is a ‘tradwife’?

  • The term, short for “traditional wife,” describes a homemaker who respects traditional gender roles.
  • The term was born in 2018, after the movement spread on social networks, including Instagram and YouTube.
  • A tradwife refers to a housewife who loves nothing more than cleaning, preparing food, and tidying up the house for her family, while her husband is the sole breadwinner.
  • It goes one step beyond being a stay-at-home mother, with the woman being responsible for the more traditional aspects of housework and childcare.
  • The term is controversial as it has been associated with far-right rhetoric since some white supremacist wives came out as Trump supporters in 2018.

Fountain: urban dictionary and The New York Times

Bradley noted that he is grateful that his children grow up seeing their mother as a caregiver, adding that he wants his children to know that men should be their providers.

‘I think boys who grow up and see dad go out to work learn that that’s what they’re going to have to do as a man.

‘The girls, seeing that mom takes care of the babies, learn that aspect of parenting. “I don’t think it’s something we should shy away from,” he explained.

Despite feeling that their way of life is happy and healthy, the couple admitted that they often face an avalanche of criticism.

Grace said: “There are a lot of people close to me who object to the tradwife lifestyle and make comments like, ‘well, it seems like you’re just a slave.’ I don’t take it that way.

Meanwhile, Bradley admitted that people have accused him of being “abusive.”

“I get a lot of criticism from women who think I’m manipulative, abusive, trolling and that I made her do this. I’ve heard the comment: “I can’t keep my wife in the kitchen,” he confessed.

Talking about their friends’ lifestyle, the couple revealed: “We have friends where the wife stays at home and takes care of the kids, but when the husband comes home, expected to help cook, clean up and do bath time and bedtime routine with babies.

‘They just live a completely different way than us.”

DailyMail.com has contacted Grace and Bradley for comment.

However, the couple revealed that they would not be upset if their daughters decided not to be traditional wives, adding that they did want their daughters to “breastfeed” their children when the time came.

At the end of the clip, Grace added: ‘The best part about being a cross-wife is the freedom. I can set our schedule however I want.’

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