A mother revealed that she gives birth to mega babies, one who was in the 99th percentile and the other who wore clothes for a 12-month-old from day one.
Brittany Opetaia-Halls, 29, from Brisbane, Australia, welcomed her first child, Malayisa-Maree, via C-section, in August 2020, weighing 9 pounds, 4 ounces.
Four years later, she gave birth naturally to another baby girl, Milana-Mae, who tipped the scales at 9 pounds, 2 ounces, in a 24-hour labor.
Now four Malayisa-Maree wear clothes that should fit an eight-year-old child.
And after just six months, Milana-Mae, born in June 2024, weighs a whopping 22 pounds, 9 ounces, more than 5 pounds heavier than the average child her age.
This puts Milana-Mae in the 99th percentile, meaning a baby weighs more than 99 percent of children of the same age and sex.
She wore clothes with the label 12 months when she was a newborn. Brittany stated that strangers ask her “what are you feeding them?”
Brittany, who works in marketing and social media, said: “I think I knew they would both be big.”
Brittany Opetaia-Halls, 29, from Brisbane, Australia, revealed that she gives birth to mega babies, one who was in the 99th percentile and the other who was wearing clothes for a 12-month-old baby from day one.
‘I was coming on pretty quickly with both of them. My husband is very tall, so in my head I was like ‘oh no!’
“Even when the midwives scanned me, they just didn’t know if it was liquid, but in my head I knew it was the baby.
‘People in the TikTok comments were always saying that I was about to explode and that I would be out of line.
‘The opinions about my belly rose so much and everyone was shocked.
“When I take them both out it’s always like ‘what are you feeding them?’…”
After 20 weeks of pregnancy with Malayisa-Maree, Brittany’s bump was already above average for that stage.

One-day-old baby Milana-Mae with her mother Brittany and older sister Malayisa-Maree

Brittany photographed during her second pregnancy with her partner Rajan and daughter Malayisa-Maree

Malayisa-Maree ended up in the NICU for three days and after the second day, Brittany was able to see her and hug her.

Brittany photographed during her second pregnancy with her partner Rajan and daughter Malayisa-Maree in the background.
Brittany, who is married to 31-year-old Rajan, who is 6ft 2in, said: “The midwives did scans for me every few weeks and she was in that high 98th percentile.
‘Around 36 weeks, they told us I was already reaching the 99th percentile for size, so they gave me some options for delivery: I was measuring quite large.
‘I decided to have a caesarean section and when I had it, it got stuck coming out of the incision with my shoulder.
“When she came out, they ran her away because she was losing a lot of blood.
‘She ended up in the NICU for three days and after the second day I was able to see her and hug her.
“I felt horrible that my huge baby was in this premature baby room.”
However, with Milana-Mae, Brittany wanted to have a natural birth.
She said: “We were monitoring the whole time and I felt a little guilty for not having Malayisa-Maree naturally.
“I knew Milana-Mae was going to be big anyway and she was hitting the 88th percentile while she was in me.
“I made it to 41+1 weeks with her and was meant to be induced with her, but luckily I went into labor without being induced and I really wanted to give birth naturally – they told me it was safe.

With Milana-Mae, Brittany wanted to have a natural birth (pictured: 6-month-old Milana-Mae)

Milana-Mae the day after she was born with her mother Brittany and her father Rajan.

Three-month-old Milana-Mae with her older sister Malayisa-Maree

And after just six months, Milana-Mae, born in June 2024, weighs 22 pounds, 9 ounces, more than 5 pounds heavier than the average child her age.

Milana-Mae in the 99th percentile, meaning a baby weighs more than 99 percent of children of the same age and sex.

Milana-Mae just weighed herself at six months and weighed 10.8kg at six months; the average is 7.4 kg.
“I was in labor for 24 hours and pushed for 45 minutes because she got stuck coming out.
“I think I was just at the point of being happy to be able to do it.
“She was a little smaller than Malayisa-Maree, but little by little after birth was when she grew to the 99th percentile.”
Now, Brittany’s two children wear clothes far beyond their years.
She said: ‘Milana-Mae just weighed herself at six months and weighed 10.8kg at six months; the average is 7.4 kg.
‘It’s practically the size of a 12-month-old baby. Milana-Mae wears clothes in one and two sizes and is only six months old.
‘Malayisa-Maree is four years old at the moment and is wearing eight-year-old clothes.
‘I felt like I was rotating clothes every few months. Something would fit one week and not the next.
‘I think when Malayisa-Maree was a year and a half old I started buying really big ones to make sure he wouldn’t be too small in a few weeks.
“It’s slowed down a little now, but we’ve saved all of Malayisa-Maree’s clothes, so we haven’t had to buy Milana-Mae, but I seem to be rotating through hers a lot faster than Malayisa.”