Home US Vince McMahon accuser Janel Grant ‘wrote a love letter to the former WWE CEO after alleged sexual abuse – but her lawyer claims she was coerced’

Vince McMahon accuser Janel Grant ‘wrote a love letter to the former WWE CEO after alleged sexual abuse – but her lawyer claims she was coerced’

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A woman who alleged she was sexually abused by Vince McMahon wrote a love letter to the former WWE CEO, but claims she was forced to do so, according to a new report.
  • Vince McMahon resigned after allegations of sexual misconduct were made
  • Former WWE employee Janel Grant accused McMahon of sex trafficking
  • It has been alleged that Grant was forced to write a love letter to McMahon.







A woman who alleged that Vince McMahon had sexually abused her wrote a love letter to the former WWE CEO, but claims she was forced to do so, according to reports.

Janel Grant, a former WWE employee, accused McMahon of sex trafficking and multiple counts of sexual misconduct on January 25. A day later, the 78-year-old resigned as CEO of WWE parent company TKO Group Holdings.

The New York Post has published an email allegedly sent to McMahon by Grant on December 24, 2021, in which he professed his love for the promoter – who is under investigation – and called him ‘my best friend, my love and my everything.’

“After almost three years together, it’s like my life isn’t even real to me unless you’re there and in it and I share it all with you,” Grant, 43, allegedly wrote.

The letter contrasts with allegations Grant made as part of an explosive lawsuit filed in Connecticut in which he claimed that McMahon had defecated on his head during a threesome in 2020, about 18 months before the letter was sent.

A woman who alleged she was sexually abused by Vince McMahon wrote a love letter to the former WWE CEO, but claims she was forced to do so, according to a new report.

A woman who alleged she was sexually abused by Vince McMahon wrote a love letter to the former WWE CEO, but claims she was forced to do so, according to a new report.

Janel Grant (above), a former WWE employee, accused McMahon, who is under investigation by New York prosecutors, of sex trafficking and multiple counts of sexual misconduct.

Janel Grant (above), a former WWE employee, accused McMahon, who is under investigation by New York prosecutors, of sex trafficking and multiple counts of sexual misconduct.

Janel Grant (above), a former WWE employee, accused McMahon, who is under investigation by New York prosecutors, of sex trafficking and multiple counts of sexual misconduct.

But Grant’s attorney, Ann Callis, alleges that McMahon told Grant to write the email.

“Frankly, it’s pretty disgusting that Vince’s weeks-late attempt to defend her horrendous behavior (behavior that she claims never occurred to this day) is to try to show letters that Vince himself forced her to write,” Callis told The Post.

“While Janel is no stranger to his intimidation tactics, this is a new low even for him.”

McMahon’s attorney, Jessica Taub Rosenberg, dismissed allegations of coercion.

“This is revisionist history,” Rosenberg of the Kasowitz law firm Benson Torres told The Post. “No one forced Mrs. Grant to write that letter. She wrote it of her own free will. The fact that the letter shows that it was draft number 24 says it all.’

Rosenberg added: “Nowhere in her voluminous complaint does she mention that she was forced to behave in that way.

McMahon resigned as CEO of WWE parent company TKO Group Holdings

McMahon resigned as CEO of WWE parent company TKO Group Holdings

McMahon resigned as CEO of WWE parent company TKO Group Holdings

Grant worked at WWE headquarters in Stamford between June 2019 and March 2022.

Grant worked at WWE headquarters in Stamford between June 2019 and March 2022.

Grant worked at WWE headquarters in Stamford between June 2019 and March 2022.

“The language of the letter is consistent with other communications she made to Mr. McMahon throughout their consensual relationship.”

Grant, who worked at WWE headquarters in Stamford between June 2019 and March 2022, alleged that McMahon trafficked her to other company executives and wrestlers, and that she suffered physical injuries “from the forceful use of sex toys.”

McMahon vehemently denied Grant’s allegations and claimed that their relationship was consensual. He is under federal investigation by New York prosecutors.

“Grant’s claims are false, defamatory and completely baseless,” Taub said. “We intend to vigorously defend Mr. McMahon and are confident that he will be vindicated.”

WWE representatives did not respond to The Post’s request for comment.

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