Home Australia Vile stalker kicked out of idyllic Lord Howe Island after choking and terrorizing his girlfriend finds a new paradise to live in

Vile stalker kicked out of idyllic Lord Howe Island after choking and terrorizing his girlfriend finds a new paradise to live in

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Jai Shick was convicted of domestic violence crimes, but appealed his sentence

A vile stalker who was kicked off Lord Howe Island after terrorizing his girlfriend now lives in a huge four-bedroom house with stunning ocean views on the mainland.

Jai Shick, 44, appeared in Port Macquarie Local Court earlier this month and was sentenced for suffocation, assault and stalking and intimidating his partner.

Magistrate Georgina Darcy ordered Shick to serve his two-year community corrections order near Port Macquarie, on the New South Wales central coast, rather than his home on Lord Howe Island, because that would be too “lenient”.

Shick was then released on bail to live with a friend in Dunbogan, 35 kilometers south of Port Macquarie.

He now resides in a modern four-bedroom home that boasts stunning water views.

Jai Shick was convicted of domestic violence crimes, but appealed his sentence

The four-bedroom home features stunning water views.

The four-bedroom home features stunning water views.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Shick, who was born on Lord Howe Island, worked as a local field officer.

It was initially proposed that she live under virtual house arrest at her mother’s home on the island, but Mrs. Darcy rejected the proposal.

The court was told that between the night of April 15, 2022, and the early hours of the next day, Shick tracked down his now ex-partner, convinced she was cheating on him.

He pulled her hair and shouted, ‘Is that what you ask the other boys to do?’ Do you like it?’

He then grabbed the woman’s phone to check her messages and calls and pushed her while she was tangled in her sleeping bag.

The woman stood up and ran, but he proceeded to tackle her, putting his hand on her throat and using his forearm to apply more force.

“I’m going to fucking kill you,” Shick said, according to court documents.

The four-bedroom house on the outskirts of Port Macquarie

The four-bedroom house on the outskirts of Port Macquarie

Lord Howe Island is famous for its beauty.

Lord Howe Island is famous for its beauty.

The woman eventually went home with Shick the night she was strangled, fearing he would continue to hurt her if she didn’t go with him, police say.

She told three friends about the domestic violence incident and went to the doctor, who took photos of the bruises and noticed her voice was hoarse.

At the time of the violent attack, the woman did not go to the island’s only police officer because “she did not feel comfortable with him at that time,” according to court documents.

The victim reported the crime a year later, in October 2023, and Shick was arrested on December 12.

Shick eventually pleaded guilty and avoided a costly trial, which would have involved witnesses being flown to Port Macquarie from Lord Howe Island, about 600 kilometers off the New South Wales coast.

Shick’s victim bravely told the court that before the incident she was a hard-working, free-spirited woman.

Dunbogan is a coastal town on the outskirts of Port Macquarie.

Dunbogan is a coastal town on the outskirts of Port Macquarie.

“The sight of his face in front of me and his hands on my neck: I relive the worst night of my life over and over again,” she said.

“I never knew the depth of the effects I would suffer for the rest of my life,” he said.

The court heard the woman sought mental health help, at great cost, to help her deal with the trauma.

“Every day is a battle to maintain composure.”

Darcy praised the woman for bravely standing up to her abuser in court.

He said he “time and time again” saw men face court for crimes motivated by jealousy.

“You continued to believe the victim was unfaithful to you – there is no evidence before the court that she was, but that is irrelevant,” Ms Darcy said.

“People can choose what they do with their own lives.”

Schick’s attorney argued that the sentence was too harsh and filed an appeal.

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