Home Australia Tradie’s terrifying threat after he attacked her ex while she was cleaning her apartment and the only decision that could have saved her life.

Tradie’s terrifying threat after he attacked her ex while she was cleaning her apartment and the only decision that could have saved her life.

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Víctor Hugo Leao, 31, pleaded guilty to domestic violence crimes against his ex-wife


A Brazilian trader in Australia on a partner visa beat his ex-wife and threatened to take her out of her apartment in a “black bag” after learning she had become a stripper.

Victor Hugo Leao, 31, tormented his ex-partner in a 30-minute campaign of terror at their apartment in Edgecliff, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, on April 25, 2023, after she left him.

As he held her against the kitchen wall and screamed in her face, his ex-wife, whom Daily Mail Australia chose not to name, thought she was going to die.

Leao’s brutal attack was eventually broken up by police officers after they were called by a neighbor who heard the commotion.

Now, Leao’s horrendous actions may be laid bare after he pleaded guilty earlier this month to assault, non-consensual sexual touching, stalking, intimidation and destruction of property.

Víctor Hugo Leao, 31, pleaded guilty to domestic violence crimes against his ex-wife

According to police data obtained by Daily Mail Australia, Leao and his wife met in Brazil seven years ago before moving to Sydney and getting married in 2020.

However, just two years later, in November 2022, his marriage fell apart and his ex-wife moved to Western Australia while he continued to live in his Edgecliff apartment, which was rented in his name.

Five months after the split, she returned to Sydney to clean the apartment after Leao told her she was moving out.

But when she arrived at the property around 1:30 a.m., she realized that the keys he had left her did not open the front door.

He contacted Leao and asked him to come and give them to him.

When he arrived, he tried to force her into a conversation about their relationship while they were in the kitchen, according to police facts.

His ex-wife said she didn’t want to talk and that she was tired and needed to clean, but Leao became more and more insistent and said, “Let’s talk about this now.”

He then began berating her, claiming she had “lied” to him and was a “bad wife” because she had started working as a stripper in Perth since their separation.

Leao called her a “whore” and said she had “no dignity or respect” before cornering her against the wall and slapping her twice.

He then began inquiring about a visit she made to Brisbane and demanded she unlock his phone to show him details about the trip.

Court documents reveal he slapped her, cornered her against a wall and called her a 'whore' after finding out she had been working as a stripper since they split.

Court documents reveal he slapped her, cornered her against a wall and called her a ‘whore’ after finding out she had been working as a stripper since they split.

The Brazilian trader, who is in the country on a partner visa, faced court earlier this month.

The Brazilian trader, who is in the country on a partner visa, faced court earlier this month.

When she opened her phone, she quickly texted her boyfriend saying “help” at 2:08 a.m. before Leao snatched it from her and began reading the messages to her new lover, destroying her screensaver in the process. process.

He then began taunting her about her new profession, grabbing her chest and shouting: ‘Is this how customers touch you at the club?’

As she continued screaming, he approached her and threatened: “If the police come today you will end up in a black bag.”

Another resident of the unit block heard the chaos and decided to call the police, who responded to the scene and separated Leao from his ex-wife before arresting him.

According to police data, the victim was “visibly distressed and crying” and told officers that she thought he was going to kill her.

At the time of his arrest, Leao was the subject of an unsatisfied detained violence order issued in a Perth court and which was enforced once he was detained in New South Wales.

Appearing at Waverley Local Court earlier this month, Magistrate Michael Barko sentenced Leao to an 18-month community corrections order on the condition that he complied with the AVO.

The order began on May 17, 2024 and will remain in effect until November 16, 2025.

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