Home Australia TRACEY COX reveals the 11 qualities of all sexy people. Which ones do you have?

TRACEY COX reveals the 11 qualities of all sexy people. Which ones do you have?

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According to sex and relationship expert Tracey Cox, sexual attractiveness is less about looks and more about attitude and aura – being happy with what you have and who you are (file image)

What makes someone sexy?

Good question! After all, what’s sexy to one person is “Are you kidding me?” to another.

But we all have a subconscious “sexy” radar that automatically tunes into people who “have it.”

First our looks radar kicks in, instantly searching for the most attractive person in a crowd; then our sexiness radar kicks in, looking for more subtle (and surer) indicators that someone is worth talking to.

Ultimately, sex appeal is less about looks and more about attitude and aura – being happy with what you have and who you are.

That’s why what makes someone sexy is this…

According to sex and relationship expert Tracey Cox, sexual attractiveness is less about looks and more about attitude and aura – being happy with what you have and who you are (file image)

1. They like sex

If you love sex and you love people, you’re probably sexy.

People who enjoy sex are on constant subconscious (and conscious) alert, looking for sexy people and things wherever they are.

When you see someone who fits the bill, your eyes let them know that you find them attractive, even if the wedding ring on your finger prevents you from acting on it.

Being noticed and admired quickly grabs people’s attention, and even if they aren’t physically attracted to the person giving it, they’ll look twice to see if there’s something they’re missing.

The secret to ugly-sexy appeal is often a high sex drive. The reason why some people who don’t fit into society’s beauty expectations get so much attention.

The hunger and appreciation that is evident in their eyes is the magic ingredient that does not depend on physical appearance.

2. They are enthusiastic

It’s contagious: you can’t help but smile and respond to someone who is full of life.

It doesn’t really matter what you’re passionate about, as long as you’re excited and motivated to do it.

As one guy said, “The girl in the corner whose facial expression doesn’t change and speaks in a monotone is not attractive, even if she’s discussing how to give a good blowjob.”

“It’s the girl who gesticulates like crazy and talks a mile a minute that you want. Even if she’s arguing about what color to paint her bathroom.”

Tracey Cox (pictured) believes that people who love sex and love people are almost always sexy.

Tracey Cox (pictured) believes that people who love sex and love people are almost always sexy.

3. Both sides agree.

The more symmetrical your face and body are, the more sexually attractive you will be and the more attention you will receive.

It’s not a brainwashing by society either: even babies go crazy for symmetry.

Much more manipulative than social media is Mother Nature: she constantly protects the health of the species by ensuring that those with the strongest gene pool (such as symmetrical ones) are seen as the most attractive.

While no body is truly symmetrical, looking “even” helps tremendously.

Female bodies are programmed to appear 30 percent more symmetrical on the magical peak conception day after ovulation.

People with symmetrical bodies tend to lose their virginity much younger and have more sexual partners than their friends with asymmetrical bodies.

4. They feel comfortable with their body.

If you don’t feel sexy, you certainly won’t be able to radiate sex appeal to anyone else.

People who don’t like their body do everything they can to hide it as much as possible. They hunch their shoulders forward, duck their head, and cross their arms to hide their stomach. Sounds attractive, right? Nope.

No one is completely satisfied with their body, but people who embrace the positive aspects of it and don’t get too paranoid about the negative ones exude self-confidence. Their body language is relaxed, open and welcoming, and self-acceptance conveys a sense of sensuality.

5. They make you feel like you’re the only person in the room.

The ability to focus exclusively on the person you’re with, without looking back, checking your phone, or otherwise distracting yourself, is a dying skill.

That’s why when someone’s gaze never leaves your face, the recipient feels intoxicated by laser-like attention. The person who looks you straight in the eyes, truly listens to you, calls you by name and concentrates on what you’re saying always wins.

Master this and you will easily beat the most attractive competition.

When it comes to our bodies, those who embrace the good parts and don't get too paranoid about the bad parts exude self-confidence, which is sexy (file image)

When it comes to our bodies, those who embrace the good parts and don’t get too paranoid about the bad parts exude self-confidence, which is sexy (file image)

6. They have a big mouth

Since we are sex-obsessed creatures, anything that reminds us of sex usually gets us going.

A woman with full, shiny, red lips is a turn-on because her lips mimic what (he fantasizes anyway) hopefully is happening elsewhere: the vagina also “thickens,” moistens, and darkens when aroused.

7. They are authentic

They know who they are and they are proud of it. A person who is not afraid to express his or her opinion, even if it is contrary to that of others, can be accused of being stubborn, arrogant or even rude, but there is one thing that he or she will never be accused of: being boring.

Stand up for what you believe in and believe in yourself. We all respect and admire people who hold their heads high and fight their own battles.

According to Tracey Cox, a woman with full, shiny, red lips is arousing because her lips mimic what (he fantasizes anyway) is happening elsewhere: the vagina is also

According to Tracey Cox, a woman with full, shiny, red lips is a turn-on because her lips mimic what (he fantasizes anyway) is hopefully going on elsewhere: the vagina also “thickens,” moistens, and darkens when aroused.

8. They are flexible

Have you ever seen someone get up from a chair and walk away with numb legs? Not exactly exciting, is it?

It’s not something you immediately think of when you ask what makes someone sexy, but flexibility is what makes people appear to “walk young.”

Moving fluidly is associated with physical fitness and good health, which are biologically linked to attractiveness.

Flexible people tend to have better posture, which sends a signal of self-confidence – confidence is another key factor in sexual attractiveness.

9. They behave calmly (but not too calmly)

When someone tells us we are attractive, funny, or smart, the effect is greatest the first time they say it.

Keep insisting on it and you’ll not only dilute the compliment, you’ll get the opposite reaction than you wanted.

Instead of liking the person, you will find him annoying.

10. They touch each other a lot

Never underestimate the power of touch. The person who gives you a hug to say hello, who puts a concerned hand on your arm if you’re upset, who gives you a firm handshake to say “Congratulations!” is making warm, sensual gestures that make him or her seem approachable.

If you want to connect with someone instantly, there’s no better way to do it than through touch. The briefest, subtlest touch can have an electric effect on how that person feels about you.

If you’re stingy with your affections, others will assume you’re cold, hard to get to know, uptight. None of these are adjectives you want applied to you, right?

Money usually means that the person is well dressed, well groomed, physically healthy and educated, which often equates to high sexual attractiveness (stock image)

Money usually means that the person is well dressed, well groomed, physically healthy and educated, which often equates to high sexual attractiveness (stock image)

11. They are rich

No surprises here. It may not bring you happiness, but it sure makes you more sexually attractive.

Why? For starters, financial success boosts self-esteem and confidence, traits that are universally attractive.

Money usually means that the person is well dressed, well groomed, physically healthy and educated. They are capable of doing sexy things: like surprising you with first class tickets to the hottest party in Ibiza or a reservation at the sexiest and most coveted new restaurant.

Wealth is associated with high social status, and power is the ultimate aphrodisiac for some. Success often means that the person is ambitious, another personality trait that increases their attractiveness.

  • You’ll find Tracey’s Edge and Supersex ranges at lovehoney.co.uk. To listen to her podcast, find out more about sex and relationships and her books, visit traceycox.com.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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