Home Life Style Too British to say no! People in the UK reveal the strangest things they’ve done ‘out of courtesy’

Too British to say no! People in the UK reveal the strangest things they’ve done ‘out of courtesy’

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An anonymous Redditor from the UK took to a forum on the site, prompting others to share the funniest things they've done

The British are known for many things: their love of tea, their incessant chatter about the weather and, most importantly, their sometimes stifling politeness.

But there are times when our good manners lead us into strange situations.

An anonymous Redditor from the UK took to a forum on the site, prompting others to tell of the funniest things they’ve done “because they’re too British to say no”.

They explained that they were too awkward to deny a stranger’s very strange request: buy them moisturizer, simply because they felt too rude to question it.

Several people chimed in with strikingly similar anecdotes, and one even admitted to staying on the bus too long because a stranger incorrectly told them it was their stop and they couldn’t deny it.

‘Today I was in a store in the shopping center near my house. “I spoke to the store clerk who was talking to me about skin care,” the publication recounts.

An anonymous Redditor from the UK took to a forum on the site, prompting others to share the funniest things they’ve done “because they’re too British to say no.” Stock image used

‘I told him I had bought a cheap product from the TikTok store to try it out. I didn’t expect it to work but for £4 I can’t complain. She asked me to show her what she was.’

The Redditor continued: ‘When I made this, she asked me to buy it for her and she would give me the money

I was surprised because this is something a family member or friend would ask. Then, for some strange reason, I asked him right there…. Why I did that, I have no idea.’

Although they acknowledged the retail worker’s pleasant demeanor, they were surprised: “She was very kind and friendly, but it’s still a strange request for a stranger.”

She offered me the cash and I told her I would receive it when her item arrived. What happened to me! A normal human would just say no, or make an excuse… but no… I’m an idiot.

‘Have you ever done something stupid to avoid saying no?’

One Redditor admitted: “I got off the bus three stops early because a stranger told me this was my stop and I was too polite to tell them it wasn’t.”

Another hilariously confessed: ‘I was once in a quiet carriage on the train with my headphones on but there was nothing playing. “A guy asked me to turn down the music, so I intend to do it.”

A more absurd story was an exchange between neighbors.

“My upstairs neighbor (whom I had only said hello to) once asked me to take her into town and park outside her ex-boyfriend’s apartment building to spy on who was coming in and out of the building because she saw some comment on her ex-boyfriend’s Facebook status. a friend suggesting that she (her Facebook friend) go see him.

‘We had to duck every time the door opened. I literally felt like I was in a weird romantic comedy scene!’

The poster admitted that they made an online purchase for a stranger because they felt too rude to say no. Stock image used

The poster admitted that they made an online purchase for a stranger because they felt too rude to say no. Stock image used

A Brit felt so compelled to help an elderly shopper that he didn’t dare tell him he didn’t work at B&Q.

‘I was in B&Q in an orange jumper, looking for a mirror holder when an old lady approached me and started asking me about screws.

‘Before I could explain to her that I didn’t work there, she proceeded to explain to me that it was for a cabinet in the bathroom that had been there since the house was built and that her son had taken it from her so she could get a replacement.

“And that’s the story of how I ended up helping an elderly lady find the right bathroom accessories at B&Q.”

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