Home Australia The infuriating reason teachers have an issue with my daughter’s school lunchbox – and it’s not because it’s ‘unhealthy’

The infuriating reason teachers have an issue with my daughter’s school lunchbox – and it’s not because it’s ‘unhealthy’

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The school has required that all prepackaged foods remain in their packages so that teachers can read the ingredients and make sure they do not contain allergens.

A mother was shocked to receive an infuriating note from her daughter’s kindergarten teacher after sending her off with a balanced, healthy lunchbox.

Ava*’s son has only been in daycare for five days and the mom has already dealt with some lunchtime drama.

The school has required that all prepackaged foods remain in their packages so that teachers can read the ingredients and make sure they do not contain allergens.

Foods that “may contain nuts” have also been banned.

“I buy everything in large packages and ship them in containers because it is much cheaper, as well as being more environmentally friendly,” he said in a Facebook post.

The school has required that all prepackaged foods remain in their packages so that teachers can read the ingredients and make sure they do not contain allergens.

‘I understand that children have allergies, but I really don’t think I should change my shopping list to cater for someone else’s child.

“So far, everything I’ve taken out of the cupboard has said ‘may contain nuts.'”

Ava shared that she wasn’t sure how to deal with the problem and felt angry that another child’s allergy would affect her life.

She shared a photo of her daughter’s lunch box that was now off-limits because none of the foods were in packages with a clear list of allergens.

Many shared his sentiment and criticized the school.

‘I would like teachers and schools to stay away from lunchboxes. Your only concern should be if a child doesn’t eat lunch,” one of them said.

“Teach your children to wash their hands, be aware of their allergies and what they can’t have,” another parent wrote. “In the real world we don’t take care of your kids, they don’t enforce this in the workplace, their allergies aren’t anyone else’s responsibility.”

“I understand not having nuts in lunch boxes, but anything ‘may contain’ may be a stretch considering that if that family went out, wouldn’t they be asking every customer in the restaurant if they could please not order nuts because their child is allergic,” said a third. saying.

‘Or say, ‘Please don’t bring snacks that may contain nuts to the park in case your child touches the swing that my child wants to get on but now can’t because he touched it.’

One parent said such drastic requests had become normal.

‘I remember a friend told me that his son’s class was asked to make sure they did not eat any allergenic foods 12 hours before attending school in case it persisted. So the families of the 40 children became free both at home and at school,” one of them revealed.

One parent shared that such drastic requests had become normal.

One parent shared that such drastic requests had become normal.

But other parents shared that it was important to keep an eye on children with allergies.

“If my child has a classmate with a nut allergy in their class, all nuts or traces of nuts will never go to school with my child,” one mother wrote.

Another noted: ‘I can’t begin to imagine how stressful and scary it is for a child to deal with severe allergies.

‘I understand that it is stressful and frustrating for parents who have to check ingredients, please understand that these other children and their families who have these allergies are not trying to make their lives difficult or stressful.

‘Unfortunately, many of us have allergies and they should not be taken lightly as they can have dire consequences. Obviously it’s a lot easier when our kids are a lot older, but especially when they’re little they don’t understand gravity.’

*Name changed for privacy reasons.

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