Home US The ex-wife of a Los Angeles police officer phones a board meeting he was patrolling to publicly shame him for skipping child support payments.

The ex-wife of a Los Angeles police officer phones a board meeting he was patrolling to publicly shame him for skipping child support payments.

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Los Angeles Police Officer Brian White (pictured seated, center) was criticized by his ex-wife for not paying child support during a council meeting in Hollywood, California.
  • Los Angeles Police Officer’s Ex-Wife Criticizes Him at Hollywood Council Meeting
  • A resident recorded the awkward moment as people burst out laughing.

An LAPD officer was publicly shamed by his ex-wife during a council meeting after she called him out and accused him of not paying child support.

During a recent Central Hollywood Neighborhood Council meeting at Hollywood City Hall, residents were simply voicing their local concerns when the angry woman called out and attacked an officer who was present.

The strange moment was filmed by a resident who was sitting in the back of the room as the woman’s call was played loudly for everyone to hear.

The anonymous woman said she was calling to follow up after she contacted the Los Angeles Police Department regarding Officer Brian White’s missing child support payments.

“Officer Brian White and I have three children together and he has not paid support,” his ex-wife said.

Los Angeles Police Officer Brian White (pictured seated, center) was criticized by his ex-wife for not paying child support during a council meeting in Hollywood, California.

As he expressed his concerns, the residents and members began to laugh as they looked at the officer who sat silently before apologizing to everyone.

The video of the moment began about 26 minutes after the match began.

“Good evening council, I’m just calling because I haven’t received a response from the LAPD,” ​​the ex-wife said.

“I left some messages about this, it’s about Officer Brian White who is there right now.”

“Officer Bryan White and I have three children together and he has not paid support,” his ex-wife said as people in the room roared with laughter.

A councilwoman then raised her hands in the air and looked at the officer who remained silent with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

After a few more laughs from the crowd, Officer White sat back in his chair and said “I’m sorry” to everyone.

People continued to laugh and look at each other in disbelief as a man, dressed in a cream T-shirt, khaki pants, and a black baseball cap, turned around and said, “That’s the ghetto.”

The filmmaker then turned the camera back to White while a boy next to him, dressed in a gray sweatshirt, baseball cap, and aviator glasses on his face, tried to hide the fact that he was laughing.

The woman behind the camera said, “How come you don’t find this funny?” as she turned the camera to him sitting upright and looking at the council members.

Before the embarrassing moment, White addressed the group and answered residents' questions.

Before the embarrassing moment, White addressed the group and answered residents’ questions.

As he accused the officer, residents and council members laughed before the meeting continued.

As he accused the officer, residents and council members laughed before the meeting continued.

After the embarrassing phone call, council members continued with the meeting that lasted an hour and a half.

DailyMail.com has contacted the Los Angeles police and the Central Hollywood Neighborhood Council for comment.

According to the advice websitePublic meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 6 p.m.

The council “serves to increase public participation in government and make local elected officials and city departments more responsive to local needs.”

The 10-person council board receives a budget of about $32,000 from residents’ taxes from the city.

After the dramatic moment, commenters were quick to react online as one said: “Good for her for calling it out.” What a scoundrel not to pay child support!’

“Sick burn,” wrote another. Another said: ‘COME ON MOM!!!’

One commenter wrote: ‘That’s WILD, I support her, get your coins sis!!’

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