Home Entertainment Sylvester Stallone, 77, reveals he had his daughters Sophia, 27, and Sistine, 25, train with Navy SEALS for self-defense before they moved to NYC

Sylvester Stallone, 77, reveals he had his daughters Sophia, 27, and Sistine, 25, train with Navy SEALS for self-defense before they moved to NYC

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Sylvester Stallone is a cautious father and reveals that he had his daughters take self-defense training with the Navy SEALS before moving to New York City.

Sylvester Stallone is a cautious father and reveals that he had his daughters undergo self-defense training with the Navy SEALS before moving to New York City.

The Rocky star, 77, his wife Jennifer Flavin and daughters Sophia and Sistine have been making the press rounds to promote season 2 of The Family Stallone.

The actor and his family spoke with New York Postand Sly revealed that he was so nervous about his daughters living in New York City that he made them undergo this training.

‘Sophia and I were beaten by these guys. They were authentic,” Sistine said in the interview.

‘It was the most difficult. “We spent about six hours in that forest,” she added, revealing that both she and her sister were used to this kind of thing.

Sylvester Stallone is a cautious father and reveals that he had his daughters take self-defense training with the Navy SEALS before moving to New York City.

Sistine, 25 (left), revealed in an interview that she and Sophia, 27 (right), 'these guys beat our butts.' They were authentic

Sistine, 25 (left), revealed in an interview that she and Sophia, 27 (right), ‘these guys beat our butts.’ They were authentic” (pictured on February 11 in New York)

The Rocky star, 77, his wife Jennfier Flavin and their daughters have been doing the press rounds to promote season 2 of The Family Stallone.

The Rocky star, 77, his wife Jennfier Flavin and their daughters have been doing the press rounds to promote season 2 of The Family Stallone.

“And I’m not surprised that my father put us through something like this because our whole lives we grew up with him doing this type of military-style self-defense training,” he added.

Sophia remembered her morning regimen with Sly, which involved waking up at 6 a.m. to eat an unusual breakfast.

‘It was a rigorous routine. Every day at 6 in the morning he made us eat eggs with ketchup. For some reason, that combination… to increase the volume,” Sophia said.

Sophia added: “But then it was a lot of sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, cleans and pulls,” while Sistine joked: “It was the perfect guys.”

Training before moving to New York City will be included in season 2 of The Family Stallone, which included chasing a live chicken, which Stallone himself did in a memorable training scene in Rocky II.

This is deceptively difficult. I went in there a little cocky, no pun intended. The chicken won me over,” Sistine said.

The youngest of Sly and Jennifer Flavin’s three daughters, Scarlett, 21, a college student living in Miami, did not have to undergo the training.

“I was so happy not to be involved,” Scarlett joked, although she spoke of a memorable moment when she visited her sisters in New York.

1708401431 793 Sylvester Stallone 77 reveals he had his daughters Sophia 27

“And I’m not surprised that my father put us through something like this because our whole lives we grew up with him doing this type of military-style self-defense training,” he added.

Sophia added:

Sophia added: “But then it was a lot of sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, cleans and pulls,” while Sistine joked: “It was the perfect guys.”

Training before moving to New York City will be included in season 2 of The Family Stallone, which included chasing a live chicken, something Stallone himself did in a memorable training scene in Rocky II.

Training before moving to New York City will be included in season 2 of The Family Stallone, which included chasing a live chicken, something Stallone himself did in a memorable training scene in Rocky II.

‘The first time Sistine and I knew the city. . . She steps when I say rat…it was the size of a mini dog. “We were screaming and running,” Scarlett said.

Sophia and Sistine have lived in New York City for a little over a year, but that hasn’t made her father any less nervous.

“I don’t think he’s ever less nervous. He’s like a classic, overprotective father. Three daughters at an age where, you know, we’re all over the place and we’re out and about,” Sistine said.

‘It helps that my mom tracks us on Find My Friends [app] so they know where we are,” Sophia said.

Sly also spoke in the series about undergoing seven major surgeries after injuring his back in The Expendables.

‘I did stupid things. “I was directing Expendables and like an idiot I was taking ten, taking whatever, and I remember a hit and I could actually feel a hit,” he said of a scene he filmed with wrestler-turned-actor ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin.’

'The first time Sistine and I knew the city. . . She steps when I say rat, she was the size of a mini dog. We were screaming, running

‘The first time Sistine and I knew the city. . . She steps when I say rat…it was the size of a mini dog. “We were screaming, running,” Scarlett said.

'I don't think I'll ever be less nervous. He is like a classic, overprotective father. Three daughters at an age where, you know, we're all over the place and we're out and about.

“I don’t think he’s ever less nervous. He’s like a classic, overprotective dad. Three daughters at an age where, you know, we’re all over the place and we’re out of the house,” Sistine said.

Sly also spoke in the series about undergoing seven major surgeries after injuring his back in The Expendables.

Sly also spoke in the series about undergoing seven major surgeries after injuring his back in The Expendables.

'I did stupid things.

‘I did stupid things. “I was directing Expendables and like an idiot I was taking ten, taking whatever, and I remember a hit and I could actually feel a hit,” he said of a scene he filmed with wrestler-turned-actor ‘Stone Cold’ Steve. Austin’

‘Steve knew it. I never recovered from Expendables 1. After that movie, physically he was never the same. I’ve warned people: don’t do your own stunts,” he says.

His wife Flavin added: “Sly tries to mask the pain, pretending it didn’t happen.” He doesn’t like people to know that he has had so many back surgeries.

“It’s very scary for our family every time Sly has to go through surgery, because you never know.” . . Nobody knows,’ he added.

Scarlett added: “It’s really hard to watch my dad go through another painful operation.” My entire childhood has been suffering.

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