Home US Swiss ‘suicide capsule’ proponent hints HE will use euthanasia device as makers say there is NO legal hold and reveal new details: ‘Once you push the button, there’s no turning back’

Swiss ‘suicide capsule’ proponent hints HE will use euthanasia device as makers say there is NO legal hold and reveal new details: ‘Once you push the button, there’s no turning back’

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Fiona Stewart, Advisory Board Member and Chief Operating Officer of the "Last resource"A Swiss non-profit human rights association focused on assisted suicide will present the Sarco suicide capsule in Zurich on July 17, 2024.

A German scientist behind a Swiss “suicide capsule” designed to carry out assisted dying has said he will “probably use it one day” as he defended the device at a Press conference today.

The Sarco, short for sarcophagus, would allow a euthanasia patient inside to press a button and die “in a matter of seconds,” according to the company behind the project, Exit Switzerland.

The case, which looks like something out of a science fiction movie and has been described as the “Tesla of euthanasia,” is filled with nitrogen to deprive the occupant of oxygen, rendering them unconscious before dying.

Authorities in the Swiss cantons of Schaffhausen and Valais have banned the device and warned that anyone helping someone use the capsules could face jail time, Swiss media reported. reports.

But scientist Florian Willet, 47, said the capsule had undergone extensive instrumental testing, while lawyer Fiona Stewart said the device was not banned under Swiss law, even though some individual cantons had issued bans.

Willet later added that “I will probably use the Sarco rather than live out my last days in a miserable state while seriously ill.”

Its creator, controversial assisted dying advocate Dr Philip Nitschke, claims his invention could allow users to die quickly and painlessly, but warned: “Once you push the button, there’s no going back.”

Fiona Stewart, advisory board member and COO of Last Resort, a Swiss non-profit association dedicated to human rights and assisted suicide, presents the Sarco suicide capsule in Zurich on July 17, 2024

This photograph shows Sarco's suicide capsule, during a media event.

This photograph shows Sarco’s suicide capsule, during a media event.

The Sarco suicide machine, shaped like a 3D-printed coffin, can be activated from the inside by the person who wishes to die, by filling the capsule with nitrogen, which induces hypoxic death in the occupant.

The Sarco suicide machine, shaped like a 3D-printed coffin, can be activated from the inside by the person who wishes to die, by filling the capsule with nitrogen, which induces hypoxic death in the occupant.

Australian doctor Philip Nitschke (right), founder of the euthanasia organisation Exit International, speaks alongside Florian Willet

Australian doctor Philip Nitschke (right), founder of the euthanasia organisation Exit International, speaks alongside Florian Willet

Fiona Stewart (left), Advisory Board member and COO of the "Last resource"A Swiss non-profit human rights association focused on assisted suicide will present the Sarco suicide capsule in Zurich on July 17, 2024.

Fiona Stewart (left), advisory board member and COO of Last Resort, a Swiss non-profit association dedicated to human rights and assisted suicide, presents the Sarco suicide capsule in Zurich on July 17, 2024

This photograph shows Sarco's suicide capsule, during a media event.

This photograph shows Sarco’s suicide capsule, during a media event.

Prosecutor Peter Sticher warned of “serious consequences” for Nitschke for “inducing, aiding and abetting suicide for selfish reasons.”

In a letter obtained by Swiss media, Sticher said: “There is no reliable information about the method of murder.

“It is not entirely clear who has control over which mechanical process during the dying process.”

The Schaffhausen public prosecutor’s office said that according to Section 115 of the canton’s criminal code it would be impossible to establish who was responsible for the murder and therefore blocked the introduction of the device.

The ban came after Nitschke revealed in an online forum on June 10 that Sarco was expected to be deployed in Switzerland “in the coming weeks.”

He said: ‘The machine can be towed anywhere for its death.

“It could be in an idyllic outdoor setting or at the facilities of an assisted suicide organization, for example.”

Although the Australian researcher claims his device would give people the chance to end their lives “peacefully”, pro-life groups have warned the sleek, futuristic capsules “glamorise suicide”.

Sources told Swiss media that Exit Switzerland’s preparations for introducing the capsules were virtually complete and said a candidate had been selected for the first euthanasia.

It is unclear who that patient is and Dr. Nitschke and his team have neither confirmed nor denied the reports.

In an interview with MailOnline last year, Dr Nitschke explained how his invention works.

‘The person will get into the machine, be asked three questions and respond verbally: ‘Who are you?’, ‘Where are you?’ and ‘Do you know what happens if you press the button?’

‘And if they answer those questions verbally, the software turns on the device so the button can be pressed.

“And if they press the button they will die very quickly.

The Sarco, short for sarcophagus, would allow the euthanasia patient inside to press a button and die.

The Sarco, short for sarcophagus, would allow a euthanasia patient inside to press a button and die “in a matter of seconds,” according to the company behind the project, Exit Switzerland.

Australian euthanasia activist Philip Nitschke, the man behind the Sarco

Australian euthanasia activist Philip Nitschke, the man behind the Sarco

An early version of the Sarco Pod, which can be operated internally and works by reducing oxygen levels. No one has used it yet. The final prototype is in the final stages of preparation.

An early version of the Sarco Pod, which can be operated internally and works by reducing oxygen levels. No one has used it yet. The final prototype is in the final stages of preparation.

Australian euthanasia advocate Philip Nitschke is a former doctor and director of voluntary euthanasia campaigner Exit International

Australian euthanasia advocate Philip Nitschke is a former doctor and director of voluntary euthanasia campaigner Exit International

“When you get into the Sarco the oxygen level is 21 percent, but after you press the button it takes 30 seconds to drop to less than 1 percent,” he said.

The doctor’s plans to use Sarco for the first time sparked outrage among pro-life organizations, including CARE.

James Mildred, its director of engagement, said: ‘Philip Nitschke’s device has been condemned by a wide range of commentators.

‘Many people believe that it trivializes and even glamorizes suicide.

We believe that suicide is a tragedy that good societies try to prevent in all circumstances. There are ethical ways of helping human beings that do not involve the destruction of life.

Sarco’s creators said in 2021 that it had passed legal review in Switzerland, where assisted suicide is legal and hundreds of people use the services of organisations such as Dignitas and Exit (a separate group from Dr Nitschke’s) every year.

But Kerstin Noëlle Vokinger, a professor of law and medicine at the University of Zurich, previously said Sarco might need certification under the country’s medical device law, which it does not.

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