Home US Speaker Mike Johnson slams Joe Biden’s proposed immigration crackdown after 7.2MILLION illegal migrants entered as an ‘election year gimmick’ after demanding executive action at the border for MONTHS

Speaker Mike Johnson slams Joe Biden’s proposed immigration crackdown after 7.2MILLION illegal migrants entered as an ‘election year gimmick’ after demanding executive action at the border for MONTHS

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President Joe Biden said he has done everything he can to solve the border crisis, but now the White House is considering executive action similar to Trump's to combat migration.

House Speaker Mike Johnson is criticizing President Joe Biden for finally approving executive action to crack down on illegal immigration after millions of immigrants flooded into the United States since he took office.

Since Biden took office in 2021, more than 7.2 million migrants have entered the United States through the southern border.

That’s more people than the population of 36 states. Arizona, for example, had 7.1 million residents according to the 2020 census.

Now Biden is reportedly mulling executive action on the border, as polls indicate it is a top issue for voters and lawmakers rejected a border bill negotiated earlier this month.

He is studying the possibility of using the Immigration and Nationality Act, which gives the president broad leeway to block the entry of certain immigrants, to close the border if more than 8,500 try to cross in a day.

The top leader of the Republican Party accuses the president of waiting until the election year to take action, which he should have done months ago. Biden previously said he couldn’t provide border security without the support of the Republican Party in Congress.

President Joe Biden said he has done everything he can to solve the border crisis, but now the White House is considering executive action similar to Trump's to combat migration.

President Joe Biden said he has done everything he can to solve the border crisis, but now the White House is considering executive action similar to Trump’s to combat migration.

“Americans have lost faith in this president and will not be fooled by election year tricks that do not actually secure the border,” President Mike Johnson wrote in a statement obtained by DailyMail.com.

“Nor will they forget that the president created this catastrophe and has so far refused to use his executive power to fix it.”

“These reports also underscore how blatantly and intentionally President Biden misled the public when he claimed he had done everything in his power to secure the border,” Johnson continued.

The speaker wants Biden to reinstate the “Remain in Mexico” policy and end the administration’s “abuse” of the parole system.

After taking office in 2021, President Biden immediately canceled several Trump-era border initiatives, including the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy that required migrants seeking asylum to remain in Mexico until their hearing date in the US. USA

Biden also halted construction of the US-Mexico border within days of taking office.

The White House, however, has blamed Republicans for the current problems at the US southern border.

“Every day from now until November, the American people will know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican friends,” President Biden said on February 6.

President Mike Johnson criticized Biden for saying he needed Republicans to fix the border.

President Mike Johnson criticized Biden for saying he needed Republicans to fix the border.

President Mike Johnson criticized Biden for saying he needed Republicans to fix the border.

More than 300,000 immigrants crossed illegally into the US during December 2023, a record

More than 300,000 immigrants crossed illegally into the US during December 2023, a record

More than 300,000 immigrants crossed illegally into the US during December 2023, a record

Representative Jared Golden, a moderate Democrat, has advocated for the return of 'Remain in Mexico'

Representative Jared Golden, a moderate Democrat, has advocated for the return of 'Remain in Mexico'

Representative Jared Golden, a moderate Democrat, has advocated for the return of ‘Remain in Mexico’

But House Republican Leader Steve Scalise, R-Louisiana, said allowing immigrants to enter the country illegally is exactly what Biden wants.

“7.2 MILLION illegal immigrants have entered the United States under the Biden administration, more than the population of 36 states,” he wrote in X.

“This was the left’s plan from the beginning when they canceled Remain in Mexico,” he continued. “Biden could fix it by revoking his executive actions, but he refuses.”

Meanwhile, moderate Democratic Rep. Jared Golden of Maine says Congress still has to work to fix the border crisis.

“Congress must stop abdicating our policymaking responsibility,” he posted on X.

‘While the president may be considering actions to restore law and order at the border, Congress is not off the hook. Passing Title 42 and Remain in Mexico would guarantee order regardless of presidential whim.’

But many members of Golden’s party disagree and have called for the abolition of “Remain in Mexico.”

When Donald Trump was president in 2019, a group of more than 20 Democratic senators wrote a letter to the then-president to eliminate the “dangerous” policy.

“The growing evidence that immigrants fleeing persecution face abuse or even death, along with the fact that the Remain in Mexico policy violates our legal obligation to asylum seekers, underscores why we demand an end to this policy.” dangerous politics,” said the group of two. a dozen senators wrote.

“It is imperative that the United States end this reckless course of action and reaffirm its commitment to the principles of due process on which this country was founded.”

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