Home Australia Seven criticised for controversial plan to add astrologer and comedian to nightly news bulletin, as source reveals concern change will ‘make or break’ broadcaster’s new CEO

Seven criticised for controversial plan to add astrologer and comedian to nightly news bulletin, as source reveals concern change will ‘make or break’ broadcaster’s new CEO

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Kyle Sandilands, 52 (left) and Jackie 'O' Henderson, 49 (right) brutally attacked Seven on Wednesday after the broadcaster revealed they are hiring an astrologer and comedian for their 6pm bulletin slot

Kyle Sandilands and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson brutally attacked Seven on Wednesday after the broadcaster revealed they are hiring an astrologer and comedian for their 6pm bulletin slot.

Tabloid hosts took aim on their radio show, with Kyle sharing some harsh criticism after new news and current affairs director Anthony De Ceglie defended the controversial move.

“Then they’ll say, ‘Sagittarius, look out for the color orange and your lucky number is 5.’ What effect will that have on anyone?” Kyle mocked.

“20 seconds? You’re not going to be able to see all the zodiac signs,” she added after co-host Jackie, 49, and news anchor Brooklyn Ross expressed that they might enjoy the new astrology segment.

“No, apparently they won’t read them, they’ll just appear on the screen, that’s what I’ve heard,” Brooklyn clarified.

“How about all the stock market shit that nobody pays attention to? There’s so much shit in the news that I don’t even pay attention to,” Kyle replied.

He added: ‘Sorry guys, I don’t think putting a 20-second astrological report on the news is going to redefine it.

“I like Channel Seven News because it’s legitimate. Not because they’re trying to get a comedian or an astrologer to interpret the stars.”

Kyle Sandilands, 52 (left) and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson, 49 (right) brutally attacked Seven on Wednesday after the broadcaster revealed they are hiring an astrologer and comedian for their 6pm bulletin slot

Kyle isn’t the only one who has doubts that an astrological report and a comedy sketch will make a difference in the news. A Seven source told Daily Mail Australia that the fallout will “determine the success or failure” of new chief executive Jeff Howard.

“This whole horoscope and comedian scheme will make or break the CEO, but there’s a lot of doubt that our audience will like it,” the source said.

“We expect a lot of complaints in the comments, especially from older viewers. This sort of thing is more appropriate for a morning programme than a six o’clock bulletin.”

However, De Ceglie, who replaced former news director Craig McPherson in April, addressed the concerns in a statement Wednesday, saying he and his team are “exploring new ideas and concepts,” the outlet reported. news.com.au.

“We are incredibly proud of the innovative and quality journalism that 7NEWS produces in every bulletin,” said De Ceglie.

‘We are exploring new ideas and concepts to attract new audiences so we can show them this journalism.

“We’re not going to be afraid to innovate and this is just the beginning. One thing that will never change is our absolute commitment to telling the stories that matter to our viewers.”

Tabloid hosts hit out on their radio show, and Kyle shared some harsh criticism after new director of news and current affairs Anthony De Ceglie defended the controversial move. Pictured: Seven's new astrologer Natasha

Tabloid hosts hit out on her radio show, and Kyle shared some harsh criticism after new director of news and current affairs Anthony De Ceglie defended the controversial move. Pictured: Seven’s new astrologer Natasha “Astro Tash” Weber

Channel Seven has confirmed a controversial change to its television news bulletins – which will include an astrological report from ‘Astro Tash’ – amid a split at the network over a radical restructuring as 150 jobs are lost at the channel.

Several insiders said Tuesday there was now a tense atmosphere at the station, with some employees “miserable” and taking sick days to look for work elsewhere after a new regime took power intent on changing things.

A ’20 Seconds’ astrological report after the weather forecast in the 6pm bulletin and a weekly comedy sketch on Fridays at 6.57pm hosted by Mark Humphries are some of the major changes viewers will notice over the coming week.

The Daily Mail Australia has been told morale was already “at an all-time low” following the Bruce Lehrmann fiasco on the Spotlight programme and the sacking of veteran reporter Robert Ovadia.

And the raft of new changes following the appointment of the new boss, Mr De Ceglie, is being viewed with disquiet by some long-time news insiders at the network, with one critic describing the changes as “depressing”.

1720526848 359 Seven bosses admit a shock change is coming to their

“I like Channel Seven News because it’s legitimate. Not because they’re trying to get a comedian or because they’re going to get (an astrologer) to interpret the stars,” Kyle said. Pictured: Seven’s new comedian Mark Humphries

“All the journalistic credibility we have worked for for so many years is being destroyed,” they lament. “People are devastated. It looks like a funeral here.”

Mr De Ceglie, Seven’s new director of news and current affairs, has confirmed for the first time that the zodiac signs will be part of revamped weekday news, just as they have been in some newspapers and magazines for decades.

But the new boss hit back at critics, insisting that morale is “excellent” and that “trying new things” is part of the chain’s bold new future.

He presented the changes as a necessary restructuring of a stagnant format that has not changed in decades.

“If people think we’ve been inventive so far, they haven’t seen anything yet,” De Ceglie told Daily Mail Australia this week.

Mr De Ceglie (pictured), who replaced former news director Craig McPherson in April, addressed the concerns in a statement on Wednesday, saying he and his team are

Mr De Ceglie (pictured), who replaced former news director Craig McPherson in April, addressed the concerns in a statement on Wednesday, saying he and his team are “exploring new ideas and concepts”.

Mr De Ceglie, nicknamed ADC, confirmed to the Daily Mail Australia that stargazing reports will begin soon and appear after the evening weather forecast.

He added that “everyone is eagerly awaiting Mark Humphries’ first spot this Friday.”

Mr De Ceglie, 38, was appointed Director of News and Current Affairs and Editor-in-Chief of Seven West Media in May.

His promotion came after five years as editor-in-chief of West Australian Newspapers, during which News Corp, for whom he had previously worked, attempted to recruit him back for a senior role in Sydney.

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