Home Sports See the proof that State of Origin night is one of the busiest times of the year for Sydney’s cocaine dealers

See the proof that State of Origin night is one of the busiest times of the year for Sydney’s cocaine dealers

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Coke suppliers in Sydney often communicate with their customers via encrypted services such as WhatsApp, and Daily Mail Australia obtained an Origin-themed message from a trader anticipating an increase in business (file image).
  • Sydney is Australia’s largest cocaine market
  • Distributors anticipate increased demand mid-week
  • The drug sells for between $300 and $350 per gram in the capital of New South Wales

A text message obtained by Daily Mail Australia shows Sydney cocaine dealers stepping up their activities on State of Origin night to take advantage of football fans who like to watch the game under the influence of more than just alcohol.

Last year, a study by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission found that Sydney is the country’s largest cocaine market, with the drug selling for between $300 and $350 a gram.

Having a driver deliver cocaine is a popular method of purchasing the drug, and many dealers communicate with customers using encrypted messaging services such as WhatsApp.

Coke suppliers in Sydney often communicate with their customers via encrypted services such as WhatsApp, and Daily Mail Australia obtained an Origin-themed message from a trader anticipating an increase in business (file image).

In the message obtained by Daily Mail Australia, the dealer specifically mentions the first game of the 2024 Origin series, which was held in Sydney on Wednesday night.

‘ORIGIN NIGHT #GOTHEBLUES’, the message begins.

‘Driver from 2:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.! Order now, new batch.


‘Do not miss it. Order now! $300 per bag.’

The text also features a pool eight-ball emoji, since eight-ball is slang for one-eighth of an ounce of the drug, or approximately 3.5 grams.

The message (pictured) informs customers that a driver will be available during the first game of the 2024 series on Wednesday night, as football creates a rare midweek surge in demand.

The message (pictured) informs customers that a driver will be available during the first game of the 2024 series on Wednesday night, as football creates a rare midweek surge in demand.

A study has shown that Sydney is Australia's largest cocaine market (file image)

A study has shown that Sydney is Australia’s largest cocaine market (file image)

Last year, Daily Mail Australia saw other messages from distributors offering discounts to customers to take advantage of increased demand when New South Wales played Queensland.

‘Hey hey! Text Origin tonight,” read a message received in May before the first game of the series.

‘Last night at 200 each back to normal after tonight xx up the blues!!’

The same distributor was marketing discounts in June before Game 2, while supporting his team.

‘Origin deals for tonight’s game, message to see the fucking blues!!’

At the Origin games (action from Wednesday night's clash, pictured) about half the population breaks their weekly routine with a few drinks, while some fans prefer something stronger. Daily Mail Australia does not infer that any of the people in the photo are involved in illegal drug trafficking.

At the Origin games (action from Wednesday night’s clash, pictured) about half the population breaks their weekly routine with a few drinks, while some fans prefer something stronger. Daily Mail Australia does not infer that any of the people in the photo are involved in illegal drug trafficking.

The current cost of coke in Sydney (from $300 to $350 per gram) has dropped after the Covid epidemic pushed it up to $450.

The current cost of coke in Sydney (from $300 to $350 per gram) has dropped after the Covid epidemic pushed it up to $450.

Daily Mail Australia also saw text messages from another dealer before the third game at Sydney’s Accord Stadium, titled ‘State of Origin Specials’.

‘Make sure you don’t miss out…the bigger the order, the bigger the discount. Buy four and get one free. PS: Go to the blues.’

The current price of coke in Sydney has fallen since peaking at more than $450 a gram during the Covid pandemic.

An annual report by the New South Wales Crime Commission found the cost of importing the drug had soared to a staggering wholesale price of $200,000 a kilo, and border closures hampered international drug smuggling operations and raised the price.

Australia and New Zealand have long been seen as a fertile market for cocaine profits, with residents willing to pay more exuberant prices than anywhere in the world for cocaine.

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