Home Politics ‘Scotty goes to Centrelink’ game drops after Scott Morrison’s election loss to Anthony Albanese

‘Scotty goes to Centrelink’ game drops after Scott Morrison’s election loss to Anthony Albanese

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A fun online video game titled 'Scotty Goes to Centrelink' has been released in conjunction with Scott Morrison's stunning election loss to Anthony Albanese on Saturday.
  • Strange online video game called ‘Scotty Goes to Centrelink’ launched
  • It was published alongside the former prime minister’s election defeat on Saturday.
  • The game allows you to play as Scott Morrison in a creepy city, trying to get on welfare.
  • The player leaves his resume while being chased by giant Scott Morrison heads.

A fun online video game titled ‘Scotty Goes to Centrelink’ has been released in conjunction with Scott Morrison’s stunning election loss to Anthony Albanese on Saturday.

News of the independent game went viral on the internet after the Liberal Party was defeated, losing several key seats to both Labor and so-called “teal” independents.

The game allows you to play as Scott Morrison as you wander around a sinister, nightmarish looking city, trying to deliver resumes for welfare.

A fun online video game titled ‘Scotty Goes to Centrelink’ has been released in conjunction with Scott Morrison’s stunning election loss to Anthony Albanese on Saturday.

The game allows you to play as Scott Morrison wandering around a sinister, nightmarish looking city, while trying to deliver resumes for welfare.

The game allows you to play as Scott Morrison wandering around a sinister, nightmarish looking city, while trying to deliver resumes for welfare.

The game’s description reads: “A surreal horror adventure starring Australia’s 30th Prime Minister.”

“Help newly unemployed Scott Morrison navigate the hellish welfare system he helped build.”

At the beginning of the game, you enter a Centrelink office and talk to a worker about how to apply for social assistance.

“Hello, my name is Scotty and I would like to receive my welfare, please,” the character says.

The worker responds: ‘We can’t just give you free money. We have to be sure that you are looking for work.’

The Centrelink employee tells Mr Morrison to drop off 20 CVs across the city and then return to the office to receive his first welfare payment.

At the beginning of the game, you enter a Centrelink office and talk to a worker about how to apply for social assistance.

At the beginning of the game, you enter a Centrelink office and talk to a worker about how to apply for social assistance.

Centrelink employee tells Scott Morrison to drop off 20 resumes across the city and then return to the office to receive his first payment.

Centrelink employee tells Scott Morrison to drop off 20 resumes across the city and then return to the office to receive his first payment.

As you hand out your CVs, you are chased by several giant Scott Morrison heads shouting:

As you hand out CVs, you’re chased by several giant Scott Morrison heads shouting, “Leave welfare and get to work.”

They send you back out onto the street and ask you to drop off your resumes in different wheelie bins scattered around the city.

While handing out CVs, the player is chased by several giant, disembodied Scott Morrison heads shouting, “Leave welfare, get to work.”

If Scott Morrison is contacted by the director, he will automatically be sent back to the Centrelink office.

The endgame finds Scott Morrison waking up on a tropical island, possibly a nod to his trip to Hawaii in 2019, and discovering it was all a horrible dream.

You can play the fun browser game. here.

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