Home Australia Police are investigating a shocking video showing a female prison guard having sex with an inmate in a cell at HMP Wandsworth

Police are investigating a shocking video showing a female prison guard having sex with an inmate in a cell at HMP Wandsworth

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The woman is seen wearing a uniform during the explicit clip in which she appears to have sex with an unidentified prisoner at the Category A jail in south-west London.

Police are investigating a shocking video showing a female prison officer having sex with an inmate behind bars at HMP Wandsworth.

The woman is seen wearing a uniform during the explicit clip, which begins with her performing a sexual act on an unidentified prisoner at the Category A jail in south-west London.

The footage, which MailOnline understands to be recent, shows her having sex with the prisoner while his cellmate films on a mobile phone. The cell footage shows a television and piles of clothes stacked on a bunk bed.

The friend who smokes while recording says: ‘Guys, we made history, this is what I tell you.’

The officer’s radio, left on a side table, crackles constantly and the voices of his colleagues on other channels can be heard above the din of the other prisoners on the landing, oblivious to what is happening in the cell.

The woman is seen wearing uniform during the explicit clip in which she appears to have sex with an unidentified prisoner at the Category A prison in south-west London.

The woman is seen wearing a uniform during the explicit clip, which begins with her performing a sexual act on an unidentified prisoner at the Category A jail in south-west London.

The woman is seen wearing uniform during the explicit clip, which begins with her performing a sex act on an unidentified prisoner at the Category A prison in south-west London.

Images from the cell show a television and piles of clothes stacked on a bunk bed.

Images from the cell show a television and piles of clothes stacked on a bunk bed.

The friend who smokes while recording says: 'Guys, we have made history, this is what I'm telling you'

The friend who smokes while recording says: ‘Guys, we made history, this is what I tell you’

At one point, someone appears to try to enter the cell, and the man filming can be heard saying to the person on the other side of the door: “give me a minute, a second.”

The prisoner filming tells his friend to continue and then turns the camera momentarily and, smiling, says: “This is how we live in Wandsworth.”

He then tells his friend, whom he has sex with: “You know you’re a gangster, right?”

Vanessa Frake, former head of security at Wormwood Scrubs, called the images “shocking”.

She told MailOnline: ‘This is what is completely wrong with the prison service today!

“This woman is not only disgracing herself, but also the uniform and the Penitentiary Service.”

A Prison Service spokesperson said: “Corruption of staff is not tolerated and the former prison officer who allegedly appears in this video has been reported to the police.

“It would be inappropriate to comment further while they investigate.”

The Metropolitan Police said: ‘We have been made aware of a video allegedly filmed inside HMP Wandsworth.

“Police are currently conducting an investigation. At this initial stage no arrests have been made. We are in close contact with the Ministry of Justice.”

Former prison governor Ian Acheson said the images raised serious security concerns.

“If these images are authentic, and I have been assured that they are, the problems facing a likely new Labor administration go far beyond overcrowding,” he told MailOnline.

‘This is a national law enforcement agency. The idea that recruits even contemplate, much less engage in, sexual acts is a stunning indictment of the utter chaos within this prison. It will not be an isolated incident.

‘The State is no longer in charge here. The security implications and threat of corruption are obvious and as explicit as the blatant acts. The widespread infiltration of illicit mobile phones will mean that these images will be viewed by large numbers of prisoners.

‘How are decent female officers supposed to feel safe doing their jobs in an environment where their colleagues willingly participate in their humiliation and sexual exploitation?’

A cell inside HMP Wandsworth seen in a photo from a report by the Chief Inspector of Prisons in 2022

A cell inside HMP Wandsworth seen in a photo from a report by the Chief Inspector of Prisons in 2022

The Victorian entrance gate of HMP Wandsworth, which was built in 1851 as the Surrey House of Correction

The Victorian entrance gate of HMP Wandsworth, which was built in 1851 as the Surrey House of Correction

A jail cell photographed during inspection.

A prison cell photographed during the inspection.

Two years ago, a prisoner faced a similar police investigation over a jailhouse sex tape.

The woman, aged in her 30s, was filmed performing a sexual act on a prisoner while wearing a uniform.

According to official statistics, more than 80 prison officers have been fired or reprimanded since 2013 for having affairs with inmates.

Figures from the Ministry of Justice reveal that until last year, 59 female and 24 male workers were arrested.

HMP Berwyn in North Wales had the worst record: 18 female staff were found to have had relationships with inmates since the prison opened in 2017.

HMP Wandsworth placed under special measures after conviction Report by Chief Inspector of Prisons Charlie Taylor.

During a surprise visit, he found that eighty percent of the prisoners shared cells designed for a single person, 44 percent tested positive for drugs, and some went five days without showering.

And despite the alleged escape of terror suspect Daniel Khalife last year, he said security remained a “serious concern,” and that staff in “chaotic” wings were frequently unable to accurately account for the whereabouts of their prisoners.

Built over 170 years ago, Wandsworth is one of the oldest and most famous prisons in the country. High-profile inmates have passed through it, from Oscar Wilde to, more recently, bankrupt tennis star Boris Becker.

In his warning to ministers calling for the Category B prison to be placed in emergency measures, Mr Taylor described an atmosphere among prisoners “characterised by a degree of despondency which I have not encountered in my time as Chief Inspector”.

He said staff are hampered by a lack of experience, poor management and a “poor or non-existent relationship” with prisoners.

He added that many suffer high levels of “burnout” and that a third are not available for work every day.

An inmate at HMP Wandsworth filmed the inside of his cell for a TikTok video in 2022

An inmate at HMP Wandsworth filmed the inside of his cell for a TikTok video in 2022

Mobile phones are illegal inside prisons, but they can be smuggled in by visitors or corrupt staff.

Mobile phones are illegal inside prisons, but they can be smuggled in by visitors or corrupt staff.

Violence is a serious problem inside the prison, with more than 10 assaults on staff every week. The population, which was 1,364 two years ago, has increased this month to 1,513.

‘Wanno’ (as HMP Wandsworth is known to inmates) was where former Wimbledon champion Boris Becker spent his first weeks after being jailed for hiding £2.5m in assets and loans in a fraud case bankruptcy.

Becker, who was later transferred to Huntercombe prison in Oxfordshire, said being a famous tennis player meant nothing in a place where he was surrounded by “murderers, drug dealers, rapists, people traffickers and dangerous criminals”.

Speaking to BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast, he said: “You’re fighting every day to survive. You quickly have to surround yourself with the tough guys, as I would call them, because you need protection.”

Wandsworth hit the headlines last year with the alleged escape of 22-year-old terror suspect Daniel Khalife.

Wandsworth hit the headlines last year with the alleged escape of terror suspect Daniel Khalife, 22.

A cell in Wandsworth with graffiti scrawled on the stained walls

A cell in Wandsworth with graffiti scrawled on the stained walls

Image of a toilet at HMP Wandsworth in 2022

Image of a toilet at HMP Wandsworth in 2022

The brutal realities of life inside prison were exposed by former prisoner Chris Atkins in a book serialized in The Mail on Sunday.

Wandsworth hit the headlines last year with the alleged escape of terror suspect Daniel Khalife, 22, who is said to have tied himself to the underside of a Bidfood delivery truck using a makeshift harness made from prison sheets.

The former British Army soldier was originally arrested in January on terrorism charges after planning a hoax bombing at his military barracks at the Ministry of Defence in Stafford and is also accused of spying for an enemy state, understood to be Iran.

Khalife, who will be tried this year, denies one charge of escape, one of committing an act prejudicial to the State, one of obtaining information about members of the Armed Forces and another of perpetrating a hoax with a bomb.

Recent Wandsworth inmates include Boris Becker, pictured arriving at court in April 2022 with his partner, Lilian de Carvalho.

Recent Wandsworth inmates include Boris Becker, pictured arriving at court in April 2022 with his partner, Lilian de Carvalho.

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