Home US Plus-Size Miss Alabama Reveals Shocking Health Update Caused by ‘Stress and Anxiety’ from Vicious Trolls

Plus-Size Miss Alabama Reveals Shocking Health Update Caused by ‘Stress and Anxiety’ from Vicious Trolls

Plus-size beauty queen Sara Miliken says she was left with Bell's palsy due to the stress of being abused by trolls who have taken issue with her appearance.

Plus-size beauty queen Sara Miliken says she was left with Bell’s palsy due to the stress inflicted on her by trolls who took issue with her appearance.

Sara, 23, was harassed by online bullies who mocked her weight and said she didn’t deserve the title of National American Miss Alabama on Memorial Day.

The beauty queen gave an update on Sunday night, sharing how the national attention has taken a toll on her health and left her afraid to be seen in public after footage of her winning moment went viral earlier in this month.

Sara wrote: ‘With my story exploding the way it did, I felt an immense amount of stress and anxiety. I didn’t even want to go into a store or get gas because I felt like everyone was talking about me.

‘Between that and preparing for a national pageant while trying to be Sara… I ended up with a case of Bell’s palsy. While there is no way to know for sure what caused it, we are certain that it was caused by the stress I have been experiencing.’

Plus-size beauty queen Sara Miliken says she was left with Bell’s palsy due to the stress of being abused by trolls who have taken issue with her appearance.

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While symptoms of Bell’s palsy include temporary paralysis on one side of the face and difficulty making facial expressions, its exact cause is unknown, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Sara, who made national headlines with her victory, added that not being able to fully smile has aggravated her mental situation.

‘My smile is something I have always been proud of. I love smiling at people because you never know if your smile is the only one they see today. In general, I am a very smiling person. I’ve even joked that I have a resting smiley face.

“Having this taken away from me has been kind of a mental battle. But I’m happy to report that mentally I’ve been feeling better and am taking things on board!

‘The good news is that this is temporary. It can last from 2 weeks to 6 months. I am hopeful that with lots of medication and taking it as gently as possible I will get better soon. Please continue to pray for me because I would love to get my smile back!’

Sara, who made national headlines with her win, added that not being able to fully smile has aggravated her mental situation.

Sara, who made national headlines with her win, added that not being able to fully smile has aggravated her mental situation.

Sarah was delighted when she won first prize at the National American Miss Pageant.

Sarah was delighted when she won first prize at the National American Miss Pageant.

Sara’s victory over Memorial Day weekend she sparked hate online when vicious trolls attacked her for her weight, with some confusing Sara’s pageant with Miss Alabama.

She previously spoke with WKRG about the damage that online harassment can cause to someone.

“Even something written on a screen can leave a lasting impression on people,” he said. “Although I’m not at that point, this can lead people to do very dark things to themselves.”

Sara is determined not to let harsh criticism stop her as she prepares for the national finals in Florida over Thanksgiving.

Her victory in Alabama was her third attempt at the pageant, which she says hopes to foster a “positive self-image by enhancing inner natural beauty.”

It was the first time a plus-size contestant won the contest.

He responded to an open call and competed over Memorial Day weekend by participating in a series of interviews, volunteer work and presentations.

But her joy was short-lived, as vile trolls quickly began mocking her for her appearance.

But her joy was short-lived, as vile trolls quickly began mocking her for her appearance.

She is determined not to let harsh criticism stop her as she prepares for the national finals to be held in Florida over Thanksgiving.

She is determined not to let harsh criticism stop her as she prepares for the national finals to be held in Florida over Thanksgiving.

Scoring in the contest is based on “personality, trust and communication,” according to the organizers.

“Braces, glasses, skin problems, different heights, weights and appearances are all part of creating the special and unique individual that you are and that we want to celebrate,” the website states.

Sara admitted she was surprised by the response to her win, but has since received tremendous support from around the world, gaining 2,500 followers on Instagram and Facebook in a single night.

“No matter what your body is, no matter where you come from, you can do anything you set your mind to,” Milliken said after his victory.

Sara, from Atmore, Alabama, works as a cosmetologist and makeup artist and earned a degree from Reid State Technical College.

She co-hosts a podcast called Girls Gotta Glow and advocates for body positivity.

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